
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday #49

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Goodreads Description:

Mallory's life is falling apart. Her boyfriend was stabbed. He bled to death in her kitchen. Mallory was the one who stabbed him. But she can't remember what happened that night. She only remembers the fear . . .

When Mallory's parents send her away to a boarding school, she thinks she can escape the gossip and the threats. But someone, or something, has followed her. There's the hand that touches her shoulder when she's drifting off to sleep. A voice whispering her name. And everyone knows what happened. So when a pupil is found dead, Mallory's name is on their lips. Her past can be forgotten but it's never gone. Can Mallory live with that?

Hardcover, 336 pages
Expected publication: February 5th 2013 by Walker Childrens
Pre-Order here

I did love the first book by this author; Fracture. It was special and unique, and I CANNOT wait for Hysteria! It sounds so different. And I think I will love it. I do love thrillers. Sigh. And I'm pretty sure there won't be a love triangle. Hoping for a new romance, but doesn't have to be. Still. So excited for this book :D Also, the cover is awesome. So cool. I need this book. Is it February yet? <3
What are you waiting for?


  1. I still need to read Fracture! But this sounds awesome as well! I love boarding school books and creepy ghost mysteries!
    My WOW

  2. Sounds like a good one, and I think it might be creepy, too :) Great pick!

  3. I really enjoyed her first book, so I'm definitely going to reading Hysteria!!

  4. Great pick. Hysteria sounds really interesting.

  5. WOW! WOW! The plot is intriguing. I'll add this in my TBR. ^_^

    My WoW

  6. Hysteria looks interesting. Plus it's Megan Miranda. I might actually give this a chance. Great pick.


  7. I saw this one last week and I found it very, very interesting. I would love to give it a try when it comes out. I hope you enjoy it when it comes out. Great pick!
    Come check out my WOW pick.

  8. A new Megan Miranda book? Sold! I'll definitely be picking this one up when it comes out! Great pick!

    Courtney @ Fuzzy.Coffee.Books <--My WoW!

  9. I love the sound of this one! I think its supposed to be on either Edelweiss or Netgalley, too at some point! Crossing my fingers.

    My WOW

  10. i really liked megan miranda's debut novel and i am eager to read more by her. hysteria sounds fantastic!! :D

    our WoW.


  11. I haven't read Fracture, but I'm still really looking forward to this! Don't quote me on this, but I think the UK publisher might have mentioned putting this up on NetGalley later on. I hope they do! :)


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