
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Review: The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater

I'm having trouble describing my feelings for this book. I loved The Raven Boys so much. Not more than The Scorpio Races, but pretty close. This book was perfect. Was a bit worried about reading it, because someone had mentioned a love triangle. But there isn't one. I can understand why someone would say there is, but to me, for there to be a triangle there must be kissing involved. There is no kissing in this book at all. But there is a little romance. And it is kind of sweet. Maybe. Still unsure.

The cover of The Raven Boys is a bit unique, and a bit creepy. But I still love it. Love the colors. I am also totally in love with how it looks without the jacket. So pretty in white, but gorgeous writing. And that triangle shaped drawing in the front. Which I love. And makes a lot of sense after reading the book. Somehow. Anyway. I love the cover of this book. And I loved this book. Am a bit worried about there being four books; with probably means one each year. I need to know sooner that that! lol. Still. I'm so glad this wasn't just one book. I need so much more of these characters. They were all perfection.

This is the second book by Maggie that I have read. And I do adore her books. Have read The Scorpio Races three times, and I could read it all the time. That book is beyond perfection. The Raven Boys is pretty close. It is just so amazing. The writing is perfect, the characters are amazing and so full of details. We got to know them all so well. And I'm not sure I'm used to that. And I loved it so much. I could not stop reading this book. It had be captured until the end. So perfect. Just wanted more.

I'm unsure about what to talk about in this review of mine. Will mostly be talking about the characters. And a little about the romance thing. First I'm going to say something about the plot. Not much, because I don't want to spoil things. Not even the things that happen very early on. Because you need to read it all for yourself to truly love it, I think. And you will love it all. The plot is interesting, exciting, scary and mysterious. This book has it all. Well, except for kissing ;p But I'm hoping for that in book two to four.

The story in this book is amazing. It is also unique. And it is perfect. It sort of is about witches and legends. But it is also about normal human beings. But they are pretty amazing all on their own. It is also about high school. The Aglionby private school for boys. Thankfully it doesn't focus at what happens at the school at all. I kind of hate books that takes places inside a school :p There is one school scene, but it happens fast and is also pretty awesome. We hear a bit about it, though, and I liked that.

There is so many things happening in this book. I won't mention them. But if you read the amazing summary, you'll know some pretty important things :) A bit sad that Blue never told Gansey why she really saw his spirit. Sad about that. She needs to tell him, damnit! ;) Hopefully in book two. Blue is the main character in this book. One of them. She is not a seer, but her mom is. And everyone living in her house. But she does make their powers stronger, which I thought was both awesome and boring.

But Blue is an amazing character. Her family is poor, and I kind of liked that. She has short hair. She has kind of weird clothing style, but I also loved it. She is kind of amazing. She's a bit brave, and loving, and protective, in a way. She is an amazing female lead character. I loved her a lot. My favorite character, though, is Gansey. He's a part of "Blue's Raven Boys" as her family puts it. And I love them all. They are four boys. Gansey is kind of the best one, their leader, in a weird way. It's perfect.

Gansey really is a perfect character. On the outside he might seem like a spoiled rich kid who can get whatever he wants. And he is that. But he is so much more. He has the biggest heart. He cares for so many people. And my god, how it hurt me when they hurt him. He doesn't deserve to be hurt. He is so kind and loving and protective. And really smart. He doesn't know how to spend his money, but I loved that about him. He really is the sweetest. We got to know so many interesting things about him.

Like the fact that he is deadly allergic to bees. He was dead, once. Which I won't share more of ;) But gah. I hated reading that story. But also loved it. I do love a broken boy. He wears contacts, and sometimes glasses. Adorable. He's strong and handsome. He's also on this quest to find something. Someone. Someone dead. Or not. Gah. It was so awesome to read about. Because it made Gansey more real and amazing, and it made the mystery in this book perfect. It really needed to be in this book.

Gansey isn't the only amazing character, though. There is also Adam and Ronan and Noah. We didn't see Noah much. But oh. How I loved him. He's so cute. He seemed so young at times, but he was a teenager. Loved him a lot. Also loved Ronan. He might seem like a total asshole. Which he kind of is. But I loved him. There is so many unknown sides of him, and I hope we get to see all of them. Loved his pet bird; Chainsaw. Loved how he was with her. Sigh. I adored there characters. So much details.

Then there was Adam. Sigh. I am not sure how to feel about Adam. The one thing I'm unsure about in this book. I do not love him like I love Gansey, but I also kind of adore him. He is sweet and kind and shy. He's being abused at home. And I hated that. But also loved it. Because it made Adam more awesome. He's kind of the love interest. In a weird way. He and Blue flirts a bit, and he seem to like her a lot. Which I understand. She likes him too, I think. But don't think that Adam is her "true love."

I mean, sure, I liked Adam. And maybe he and Blue would have been sweet together. But Adam changes at the end of this book. And I'm not sure I liked it at all. He's different. Curious to see how that turns out in the next book. The thing is, I see Blue and Gansey together. And they are perfect. There need to be so much romance between them in book two. There must be. I need it. And they do seem to like each other. So, yeah. I need them to be together. Hopefully in book two :) And 3 & 4.

While there is some romance between Adam and Blue, it doesn't seem that serious. Well, at least not to me. There could have been more. But also glad there wasn't. Even though I don't love Adam the most, I kind of enjoyed their flirting a bit. Because I do adore Adam. I just want Gansey. <3 And there are some hints about future Gansey and Blue. Some amazing hints. Won't say more than that. Just that I loved reading those scenes. Sigh. There must be love between them. There must be. I need it.

The close friendships in this book are the best. I loved how Gansey and Adam and Ronan and Noah were together. They were real friends. And I loved every scene with them in it. They all have secrets. We get to learn some of them, some pretty awesome things, but there are so many things I'm still curious about. Sigh. Just hope we'll get much more in book two; and that I don't have to wait until book four or something (A) Hih. I'm pretty impatient when it comes to things I want.

Anyway. I think that is all there is to say about this book. Also, I adored Blue's family. Her mom was pretty awesome. They all were. Don't remember each of the names, but loved them all. The Raven Boys is told from many different point of views. All of them awesome. I preferred Gansey's, though. Hih. He was just so perfect. Sigh. I need to re-read this book pretty soon, I think. I cannot wait for the sequel. Hoping it is out soon; and not a year from now. *Hopes.* Anyway. This book was perfect. And you must read it. I'm pretty sure you would love it like I did :) It is just so good.

Goodreads - Buy it

Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.


  1. Four books? I didn't know that, so thanks for mentioning it! That's long enough to make me happy. :D I had some mixed feelings about Adam, but I did like him as a character (just not so much as a potential love interest). Gansey and Ronan were my favourite Raven Boys and I can't wait to see what happens next, especially after the way things left off. The UK publisher did mention that the sequel will be available September next year so it's quite a long wait, unfortunately!

    Amazing review, Carina. I'm so glad you loved this as much as I did. :)

    1. No problem :) Hih. Yeah, I cannot wait for all of these books :D And yes. I agree. I did like Adam, but gah. No love interest. Not for Blue ;p I need Blue and Gansey <3 Hih :) And yes yes. So excited for the sequel :D Gahh. One year? Unfair. I hate waiting a year for every book sequel :p lol.
      Thank you <3

  2. Amazing review, Carina. i must have this boook . must


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