
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Review: Fathomless by Jackson Pearce

Have been waiting for this book for many months now. Ever since I read Sisters Red. And Sweetly. Cause Fathomless is a part of a series. You don't have to read all three books, but I'm so glad I did. Because Sweetly and Fathomless makes so much more sense if you have read Sisters Red first :) Plus, Sisters Red will always be better, to me, at least. But all three books are amazing. And I really hope there will be another one. Or many more. Cannot wait for it. Does not feel like this fairytale it over yet :)

The summary of Fathomless kind of tricked me. All these months I have been imagining that the main characters in this book, the triplets, would be mermaids. Must not have looked too closely at the summary, I think. But it isn't like that at all. The triplets are human. But they aren't normal. They all have powers. Celia, the one whose point of view this book is mostly from, have the power of seeing someone's past once she touches them. I thought that was awesome. She didn't agree much, though.

Her sisters, Anne and Jane has powers as well. Anne sees the future. Jane sees the present. I did like their powers. But I didn't feel much for their characters. They seemed a bit mean. And while I know they love Celia, it felt like they loved each other so much more. It kind of hurt. But, well, I still loved it. Celia is the character I liked most, though. She is kind and brave. She's trying her best to help people. And I loved that. Then there is Jude. The love interest. I did love him. Sort of. I think.

But this isn't a romance book. A bit disappointed in that. Had wished for more romance. But there is some. But I also felt it was a bit sudden, okay, not really, I did love that it happened fast. But I wished we had seen more of it. And then it suddenly felt like a love triangle. Gaaah. With Lo. Who I will describe in a moment. Jude seemed to like her. A lot. But there was never any kissing, or touching, and it didn't go anywhere at all. So I didn't mind too much. Was just annoying. Really.

Even though the triplets weren't mermaids, there still are mermaids in this book. But they aren't mermaids. Not really. It confused me at first. But after a while I started to love it a whole lot. These mermaids are different. Very different. I won't say how or why, because I did like reading about it, and you will too :) There is Lo. The other main character. Half the book is from her's point of view. And I did love that. And I kind of loved her. And times. Hated her other personality. Which I loved at first.

Since this book isn't so long; just 290 pages, I will not talk that much about it. Because I do not want to spoil what happens in it. But I will say some things :) I do think the plot in this book is amazing. So much like Sisters Red and Sweetly. And you really should read those books first. Because you must know about the wolves. The wolves are in all three books. And I did like that alot. Even though they are so damn awful. Still. Awesome plot twist. Then there is the family of 10 children.

In Sisters Red we meet one of the boys. And I loved him so so much. Sigh. And in Sweetly we meet another of the boys. Kind of adored him. And now in Fathomless we meet the triplets. Meaning we have now read the story of five of the ten children. And I need to know about the rest. Because this is kind of an awesome family :) At least, they are with a lot of awesome people ;p And it make the books so good. Loved that even though it isn't the same people we read about, it's from the same family.

Fathomless is an amazing fairytale. A lot of stuff happens. But I did felt like things were a bit boring near the middle. Bit sad about that. But near the end everything was so amazing, and I couldn't stop reading at all. There is action, exciting things, mystery, and a little romance. And awful things. I did enjoy this book a lot. And I think you would too :) But also think you must start with Sisters Red ;p Also. I adore the cover of this book. It is so pretty. I need to re-read Sisters Red soon. <3


  1. Oh wow thanks for your review! I have yet to read anything by Jackson Pearce but this book sounds pretty cool! Looks like I'm adding this and Rose Red, who doesn't like a fairy tale! :)

    Amber Elise @ Du Livre

  2. Great review hun! I'm glad you enjoyed this book. It's always a good sign if you would happily read more! :) I haven't had the best luck with Sisters Red but I might still give this and Sweetly a go. It does sound good. :)

    1. Thank you <3 Ah, sucks that you didn't like it :\ Still, you should read this and Sweetly :D They are all awesome books ;)

  3. I LOVE the cover of Fathomless! The pendent's design is so beautiful, just by looking at the cover and I already want to read it!

    I've heard great things about Jackson Pearce's Fairytale Retellings Series and they definitely are on my wishlist!

    1. Yay! I love it too. <3 It is so gorgeous ;) I hope you'll love it when you do get to read it :D


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