
Saturday, September 15, 2012

In My Mailbox #47

I got some things this week too ;) Hih. I love getting mail. <3 Still waiting for so much, though. Waiting for more than I did a week ago o.O Heh. But I do love everything I get. And I do feel that I need it all. And it does make me happy. Also, I might love doing these posts :) This week I haven't read that many books. But I did read a few, and I am going to read lots more now. Cause today I finally got Hidden :D Which I will be reading today. <3 And most likely reviewing it today as well. Cannot wait :)
What did you get this week?

Breaking Dawn Calendar Another of these calendars :) This one is different, though ;p Pretty :)
Brave Calendar Heeeh. Got 2 copies last week. So I need a third one. It is perfect. <3
Brave Napkins. Got these sometime last week, but they were a bit broken. So I got new ones :D
Stormdancer UK edition! Love! It is perfect. Sigh. I did love this book a lot :) So pretty. <3
Speechless Got this book a few weeks ago. But wasn't happy with it, so got a replacement :)
Tiger's Destiny Unsure if I will read this series.. love triangle drama :p like the ending of this though ;)
Defiance Third copy of this book. Heh. Pre-ordered ages ago. Such a pretty paperback :)
Hidden YAY! Finally is it here. Have waited since February.. so excited to read it. So pretty.
Hunger Games DVD + Art Cards Pre-ordered this months ago. Love the cards :)
Ocean's 11, 12 & 13 Have only seen parts of these movies. They do seem pretty awesome ;)
Coraline Gah. I loved this movie when I watched it a few weeks ago. <3 So adorable. And creepy.
Ursula! Got her via ebay :) Wanted to buy her in Orlando, but they didn't have her :p She is amazing.

The Art of Spirited Away This book is perfect. It really is. My god, how I love this movie.
Spirited Away Picture Book This too is so damn perfect. LOVE it. Gorgeous pictures.
Spirited Away CD. I love the music from this movie. Sigh. It is all so perfect :)
Arrietty I liked this movie a lot ;) Blu-ray also had gorgeous art cards. So pretty :)
Howl's Moving Castle Comic Book 1-2-3-4 Loved this movie. So pretty books :D
Totoro. Got via ebay. <3 Sigh. I did adore this movie a whole lot :D It is a bit sad, though.
Princess Mononoke. Got it too via ebay :) Loved this movie. It is a bit different, and perfect.

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.

Did you know that I have a new giveaway up on my blog? It's a brand new hardcover of Monstrous Beauty by Elizabeth Fama! It is only open to US and Canada though. But you really must enter it if you are from the US/Canada :D Because I loved that book so much. Enter HERE.


  1. Ack! You have Stormdancer already! JEALOUS, JEALOUS!

    Enjoy, Carina. :)

  2. Awww, great mailbox! SO SO excited about Hidden!! To see what will happen with Jacinda!! :) :) <3 <3 Enjoy all these awesomeness Carina! xoxo

  3. Nice books + movies (the Ocean movies are especially fun)! Love that cover for Stormdancer,

    Hope you enjoy everything! :)

  4. Wow, Stormdancer looks huge! Speechless sounds really good! Defiance looks great but I'm still waiting for my copy! I read Firelight this week and I can't wait to get the next books!

    Check out my Haul! Letterbox Love!

  5. You got some fabulous books this week, Carina! Tiger's Destiny is SO, SO amazing. And fear not, the love triangle is actually pretty good! :D
    Also, the cover of Stormdancer is gorgeous. Love the colors (not to mention the lenght of this book *-*)
    Hope you enjoy everything you got!

  6. Aaaah, these look fabulous my dear! Hope you're going to enjoy reading them. :)

  7. Love the cover for Stormdancer! You always have the best goodies in your IMM!

  8. Defiance is amazing!! I loved the book.
    Have fed my reader with Stormdancer - looking forward to reading it! :D
    My post - My book haul of the week
    New follower :)
    Aditi @ READioactive


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