
Saturday, September 8, 2012

In My Mailbox #46

Got so much mail this week. Hih. ADORE it all. <3 Sigh. It is so awesome to get something about each day :) But I really need to save some money.. Oh, well. Not that many books left to buy anyway, just some pre-orders :) And most of these are pre-orders, as well. Have also read a bit this week, and I'm happy about that :) Still waiting on a lot of mail, though. Cannot wait to get it all.
What did you get this week?

Breaking Dawn Calendar I cannot stop buying these calendars.. But I adore Rob so much. <3
Entertainment Weekly. Did not find in London :\ So cost me a bit extra. Love, though.
Sweet Shadows I didn't love the first one that much, but might read this sometime ;)
Grischa German edition of Shadow and Bone :D First German book ;) So pretty. <3
Iron Legends Sigh. Adore adore adore. Cannot wait to read these short stories :)
Howl's Moving Castle book 1-2-3 LOVED the movie, cannot wait to read the books :D
Hunger Games box set. A different paperback edition (A) Sigh. I have them all now.
Spirited Away Comic books 2-3-4-5 :D So excited to have them all. <3 Perfect!
Howl's Moving Castle on Blu-ray :D It is perfect! You must all see this movie. Howl is hot.
The Avengers Saw this at the cinema, awesome movie. Still must see some of the before movies (A)
Swag won from Novels on the Run :D It looks awesome. I love getting swag. Hih :)
Batman Begins. Now have the first two Batman movies :) Must watch them sometime.
Brave dinner stuff :D I adore it. It is gorgeous. And all kinds of awesome ;)

Brave Calendar Omg. This is the most perfect calendar EVER! It is so beautiful. Love.
Premiere Magazine. Cost me $25, but so happy with it. <3 Gorgeous. I adore Rob :)
Rage Within Didn't really love the first book, but I do need to read this one day :)
Monstrous Beauty I loved this book. And omg. It is so beautiful in person. <3
Fathomless Cannot wait to read this book! Reading it very soon ;) Sigh. So perfect.
Island of Silence MG book :D I loved the first book. So I cannot wait to read this sequel ;)
Outpost Still unsure if I will read it. Loved Enclave, up until that stupid love triangle :p <3
Cavendish My second copy.. heh (A) Since my first one was a bit damaged I got a new one. <3
Howl's Moving Castle A different edition of this book :D Sigh. I need to read them soon :)
The Lion King 3 on DVD and Blu-ray. Love. Adore these movies :D So happy with them.
Laputa: Castle in the Sky I also really loved this movie. So perfect. Must see ;)
Airship Squadron welcome pack :D I adore these bookmarks and buttons. Must read book very soon. <3

Carnival of Souls This book seems amazing. I cannot wait to read it :D Soon, I think ;p
Defiance International Paperback Edition. Love this paperback <3 So pretty. Enjoyed the book as well :)
Ponyo Another amazing anime movie :D Gah. I am in love with so many Studio Ghibli films.

DAMN IT! I forgot to take a picture of my copy of Origin :( Ugh. But I also got Origin. <3 Which I am reading right now. Loving it. Cover is sooo gorgeous. I also got accepted to read Splintered via NetGalley, and I read that one yesterday :D Review on my blog ;) Such a good book.

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. When I saw Ponyo, the song starting playing in my mind. XD

    Lovely haul for the week!

  2. Rage Within is so so good! Happy Reading! I still love Brave too!

    My Haul! Letterbox Love!

  3. I'm so jealous of Fathomless and Carnival of Souls I can't wait to read both of those books! I hope you enjoy everything!!

    My IMM =)

  4. jelly of carnival of souls and rage within . enjoy all

  5. Amazing haul, Carina! Carnival of Souls is pretty good. I read it recently and really enjoyed it, though romance isn't a big part. And wow, the German cover for Shadow and Bone if beautiful! I almost want to get a copy of that edition now. ;)

  6. Awesome haul, Carina! I hope you enjoy your new books! And The Iron Legends is SO, SO good. Seriously, it's a masterpiece, especially the last novella, The Iron Prophecy *-*

  7. The cover for Carnival of Souls is so pretty, I want it! Enjoy your great haul! Happy reading!
    Amy @ The Book Hookup

  8. The only book I've read from your haul is Monstrous Beauty (it was fab!). I want to read Carnival of Souls and Defiance asap. :/ Bah.

    Awesome haul this week, Carina. Enjoy!

  9. Woow! So much stuff :) :P Happy for you sweetie :) ;) <3 The calendar looks awesome ;) ;) Enjoy all this awesomeness ;) :D

  10. Hello, Breaking Dawn calender :D

    And I spot a lot of Robert Pattinson (loveee that man LOL)

    Hope you enjoy everything and awesome haul, hun!

    Jennifer @ Dream Reads

  11. Woow. You are lucky:) So much stuff:)

  12. I love that you got a Breaking Dawn calendar lol. It also seems like Defiance is the book to have this week. I'm jealous!!

    happy reading!
    Celeste @ The Book Hookup

  13. Well that was a kick-butt IMM! Sounds like you had a fantastic week. Enjoy!!


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