
Sunday, September 2, 2012

In My Mailbox #45

This week I got lots of awesome in the mail. <3 So happy about it all :D And, well, next week I'll get so much as well (A) Hih. Sigh. I adore getting mail. Even though I really really need to save some money.. Oh, well. Soon :) This week I did read a little bit :D And I'm happy about that. Hopefully I'll be able to read more soon :) Also. I have a new favorite movie. Spirited Away. I ADORE it. You have all seen it, right? :D Cause it is amazing. And everyone needs to watch it. Right away.
What did you get this week?

Disney Brave Magazine
I adore getting Brave magazine. Two copies of this, and two more copies of another Brave magazine I got last week. They are perfect :) Sigh. I need everything Brave. Hih :D
Raw Blue Saw that Sam liked this book, so I needed to get it :D It seems interesting ;)
The Walking Dead Season 1 and 2. I LOVE this series. Cannot wait to watch it again :D Love.
Signed Born Wicked that I won from Fiktshun <3 Really must read this book soon ;)
Cavendish This book was perfect. Beyond perfect. You must check out my review :) And go buy it.
The Girl of Fire and Thorns I did enjoy this book. So I needed the paperback :D Hih.
Black Book Magazine. I adore Rob. He is my favorite person of all time. Love this magazine. <3

Betrayal I have book one, and now that I have the sequel I really need to read them :D
Embers & Echoes I doubt I will ever read this, since I didn't enjoy book one. I have peeked. Unhappy.
Defiance Been some months since I read this book. I did enjoy it ;) Prettty book. <3
The Blood Keeper Cannot wait to read :D Must re-read Blood Magic first, though ;p
Brave Take Aim! Hih, I do adore this 3-D book. <3 My second copy of it..
Liesl & Po One of the sweetest book. Adore this paperback edition of it :) Also, you must read it ;)
Ashes The new paperback edition. I did love this book :D Not sure I will love the sequel :\ I hope.
Speechless My next read :) Lots of people have loved it. And it seems so good. Gorgeous cover.
The Lord of the Rings Blu-ray. I had the Extended Edition on blu-ray, but not the regular :D <3 Love.
The Dark Knight. Excited to start these movies :) But Batman Begins was missing in my package :\
Spirited Away DVD ADORE ADORE ADORE! Favorite movie. <3 It is perfect. Must watch.
Spirited Away Comic Book 1 Cannot wait to get all five of these :D ADORABLE! I love it. <3

 Lucifer. From Cinderella, if you didn't know that ;p I adore this cat. He is super cuddly, and so damn cute. <3 So excited that I found him on ebay :D Loves him a lot.
My Blue Nose Friends Chihuahua. <3 I have tons of these plush animals. They are adorable. :)
Tangled Ever After Pascal! :D I adore him. Looked for him in Orlando and London; wasn't here :\ But then I found him on ebay :D A little bit more expensive, but I needed him. <3 So adorable.

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. Lovely (and cute) IMM. You definitely got some very awesome things, my dear, and I hope you'll have lots of fun reading and re-reading these books! :)

  2. There's always a bit of Brave in your mailbox posts. ;) This is a great haul, Carina! I see you have Raw Blue. I hope you like that book. I will warn you that it's a little on the adult side but it's very good. :) Love the animals!

    1. Hee, yeah, there is :D I just adore Brave things. Hih. <3 Hope I will too :D But, well, I kind of peeked at the ending :p and I'm not sure I approve of the last 20? pages or so. But I will read it; soon, I think :D Don't mind it being a little on the adult side ;p

  3. Great haul! I've had my eye on Born Wicked and Defiance for a while. Love the plushies!

    Happy reading,
    The Book Hookup: Eat. Breathe. Read!

  4. Awesome haul this week, Carina! I got Defiance as well. Can't wait to get started on it. And Born Wicked is so good.
    Hope you enjoy your new books!

    Ps: I love the animals <3

  5. Sooo cute! You've got some pretty awesome books as well. I hope you'll have a great week!

    Can't wait to read Defiance!


  6. Born Wicked is a good story! Hope you enjoy watching Batman Begins / The Dark Knight - they rock!

    Happy reading :)

  7. Carina!! Great IMM :) :) Lots of awesome books you've got :) And Rob <3 <3 Enjoy!

  8. I really need to pick up a copy of Defiance soon. I can't go any longer with waiting! It sounds so good. :) I love Jessica Spotswood's signature! It looks so perfect and clean. :)

    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  9. I'm so jealous of Born Wicked! I can't wait to read that! I hope you enjoy everything!

    My IMM =)

  10. I see some awesome things up there but damn . . . I want that Lucifer toy! hehe.

  11. Everything looks pretty good! I'm pinning for a copy of Defiance! You're so lucky.

  12. Wooow, you got a lot of great things. I love the Disney stuff you got *addict*


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