
Monday, August 27, 2012

Review: The Prince Who Fell from the Sky by John Claude Bemis

I pre-ordered this book a few months before it came out. I wanted it the moment I saw the cover. Because the cover is special and unique, and so gorgeous. I knew I would like the book. Then today, more than three months since I got the book, I finally decided to read it. Well, okay, I decided to read it because I have watched a whole lot of Anime movies these past days. And I wanted to read, yet I haven't read a book in two weeks. Then I noticed this. And I needed to read it. And suddenly I had finished the book.

At first I wondered if I would like the book. Because The Prince Who Fell from the Sky is an animal book. It is told from the point of view of Casseomae, a female bear. Have never read an animal book before. So I was unsure. But after only a few pages I was in love. This is a stunning book. The writing is perfect, and I loved all the animals. Especially the main character. Casseomae is amazing. She is kind and loving and protective. And she has such a sad history. I just loved reading it all.

It may sound a bit weird, a whole book from the point of view of a bear. But it really is perfect. It is kind of awesome to read about animals that talk. Like Dumpster the rat. He was awesome. The rats have a big memory, at least Dumpster did, and they know the most about everything. Especially the Skinless Ones. I also liked Pang, the dog. He was awesome as well. Kind and protective. Then there was the leader of the bears; Alioth. He was almost a child of Casseomae, but not really.

We learned a bit about him in the beginning. I did like him. Then there was Rend, the coyote. We even got a chapter from her point of view. She was kind of awful at times. But I also did like reading about her. :) Then there is the leader of the forest. The pack master of the wolves. Ogeema. He was so bad. And I loved that he was a part of this book. It made the book so exciting, and scary too. It was awesome. The scariest character, though, was Mother Death. Won't say more than that :D So awesome.

This book has a whole lot of amazing characters. And I loved that so much. It also has such a perfect plot. It is stunning. And the writing really is perfect. This book will make you feel things. It will make you sad, happy, excited, scared. It has it all. Saddest part was about Casseomae and her cubs. It broke my heart. And I hated it. But I also loved it, cause I love those sad things. But gah. It is really sad. I won't say that much about the plot, just a few things. Don't think it's very spoilery :)

As you can read from the summary, a boy fells from the sky. A Skinless One. It isn't safe. Because the Skinless Ones are all supposed to be long dead. So everyone is trying to kill the boy. Except for Casseomae. She wants to protect him. Like a cub. And I adored that so much. It starts such an amazing adventure. It is all so perfect. Sigh. I adored this book. There are so many exciting parts. And sweet parts. And scary parts. The Prince Who Fell from the Sky has it all.

I just wish the book had been longer. It's only 258 pages. But that is 258 amazing pages. And I am happy with it all. Just wanted more. And a tiny bit sad about the ending. But it also made a whole lot of sense. Also, I really loved the part where they are in the city, and there are all those animals. It was scary, and so well written. I loved it. Anyway. I want more of this book. Maybe a sequel one day? <3 Hopes so. :) You really should read this book. It is worth it. It is perfect.


  1. I suppose it's a good thing if you wanted more. :) I haven't heard of this before! I like the cover but I'm not sure if it would be for me. I don't think I have ever read an animal book before (if we're not including early childrens books) so I don't know if it's something I would like. Thanks for the helpful review, though! I might have a change of heart later. ;)

    1. <3 it is ;) Well, I kind of think this is a book for everyone :D But then, I cannot decide what everyone likes ;p Hih. Hoping you might give it a chance one day, though :) <3

  2. gr8 review . carina . this has been on my wishlist for months . i hope to gt it soon

  3. I love the cover; it's absolutely magical. :) So I'm actually an animal person (I own two cats) so I can definitely see myself enjoying this when I'm in the right type of mood for it. Nicely reviewed, Carina! I'm very pleased that you liked this novel. :)

    1. Yay :D I think you would love it. <3 Thank you so much :)


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