
Friday, August 31, 2012

Review: Gustav Gloom and the People Taker by Adam-Troy Castro

I would never have heard of this book if I hadn't won a copy of it from Claire. And I am so happy that I did. My ARC of it is gorgeous! I adore it. And I finally decided to read it :) So pleased that I did. It is the third middle grade book I have read this week, and it was amazing. It is kind of a quick read, but the writing is a bit hard to read at times, and that annoyed me a tiny bit. Made my head hurt a little. But I also found the writing to be good, and the third point of view to be sweet. So I did enjoy it. :)

Gustav Gloom and the People Taker is about just that. Gustav Gloom is the main character. In a way, because Fernie is also the main character. And I loved them both. They are ten years old, and so adorable. Gustav is amazing. He is just the saddest little boy. Like really. And I loved him for it. I felt so sorry for him most of the time, but I also loved him a whole lot. It was just perfect. Fernie is his new neighbor, a ten year old girl. She lives with her father and sister, and sometimes her mother is there too.

I did adore her father and sister as well. And their cat. Their cat was awesome. Kind of hated his shadow. But I learned to love it ;p Her father, Mr. What is a safety person. He's always concerned about what could happen and what they must all do to keep safe. He was a bit extreme. But I adored him for it :D Cause he was different, and it was adorable. Also liked Fernie's sister, Pearlie. She was awesome. Two years older, and we didn't see her that much, but she was very likeable :)

Fernie herself is an awesome child. Because of her father being the way he is, both girls got a liking to scary and unsafe things. They like monsters and such. Which was awesome. Anyway. Fernie is a kind person. And sweet. And all kinds of awesome. She and Gustav was perfect together. And I cannot help but see romance between them when they get older :) Really want a book about that too. Hih.

Time to describe a bit about the plot. This is kind of a horror story. It isn't as brutal as the previous book I read, but it is still kind of awful many of the things we read about. Like the People Taker and the people that he take. That was kind of awful. Even though we never got to know what he really did to them.. still. There is many characters in this book, many I kind of liked, and some I didn't like. But they were all awesome to read about. The story in this book is amazing. It all takes place in one night.

And it is all so amazing. Most of it takes place inside Gustav Gloom's scary black house. Where everything is black; the grass, the trees, and the shadow on the ground. I loved his house. Even though there were lot of scary things in there. Like the People Taker and his Beast. And all the Shadows. Although they weren't really scary, but a bit disturbing. I did like them. You see, in this world people's shadows can leave them. And they can do whatever they want. They can eat for you. And other things.

I kind of loved the shadows. It was an awesome plot twist :) The thing about Gustav is that he is different. Different than a shadow, different than a human boy. We aren't sure yet what he is, but I'm hoping we will find it out :) Anyway. Not sure what more to say about this book, because I don't want to spoil it since it isn't so long. This book has lots of excitement. It is funny, sweet, and charming. It really is one of the perfect books. I adored it. And I think you should read it :) There is nothing like it.

One of the things I loved the most where all the pictures inside the book. There is many illustrations. And they are all perfect. Just what I imagined :) They are really well done. So I was very happy with those ;) Anyway. Glad I read this book. And I am dying to read the sequel; Gustav Gloom and the Nightmare Vault. It will be just as awesome, I think. Wants it right away. Cannot wait to know more about Gustav :D So excited about it all. Sigh. Also. The cover is gorgeous :)
(Tiny note: would have given it a five star if I hadn't had any trouble with the writing at times :p <3)

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