
Saturday, August 25, 2012

In My Mailbox #44

Hi everyone! This week I did not get much mail. Only one book. And two movies. :) But I do love what I got. <3 and, well, next week I will get a whole lot more :p lol. Cannot wait, though :D Anyway. I'm sorry for not blogging much this week. I just have not been up to reading at all. Been a week since I got home from London, and I'm still exhausted from that :p lol :) Today I'm in a lot of pain, my neck is trying to kill me. Hoping it will be okay soon. Also hoping I'll want to read again soon :) So much to read ;p But it is also nice not to do anything at all. And, I mean, there is no rush with reading, is there? But I do want to. Well, most of the time I do want to. :) So going to be reading again soon, I hope. <3
What did you get this week?

Tempest + swag. Won this from Shortie Says. <3 LOVES IT :D Book seems awesome. :)
The Lorax. I watched this movie on the plane home from Orlando. LOVED it. So good.
King Kong limited edition. Well, I adore this movie. And this had a pretty book inside :D

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.

ALSO! My International giveaway ends tomorrow! Be sure to enter. :) One winner will get The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa and The Hallowed Ones by Laura Bickle. Both books I loved so much. <3 You must read them. You can enter my giveaway here.


  1. I got Tempest last week or two weeks and I'm wicked excited I can't wait to read it! I hope you enjoy everything =)

    My IMM =)

  2. Fabulous haul! Tempest has such a pretty cover, and love the movie King Kong :)

  3. Good haul! The Lorax was really great. It's a good thing I enjoy it since my 3 year old watched it so much. Here's what I got this week:

  4. Oh I LOVED The Lorax! I really didn't want to watch it at all, but I ended up completely adoring it.

  5. Enjoy your goodies, Carina! Tempest looks fantastic. :)

  6. Tempest looks beautiful! =D

    I haven't seen The Lorax or King Kong (Gosh, I can't figure out why not!)

    Here's my Book Haul post.

    Sana @ artsy musings of a bibliophile

  7. I haven't read Tempest but can't wait to see what you think! The cover is gorgeous. :) And yay - King Kong! I love that movie. Enjoy! :)

    By the way, I finished The Hallowed Ones recently and LOVED it! I owe it to you for making me want to read it in the first place. :)


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