
Saturday, August 4, 2012

In My Mailbox #41

This week was another awesome week. Did get some great books, plus I finally read a couple of books as well :D Been so long since I read anything. So I'm happy about that. <3 Next week will be one of the best weeks in books. Cause I will be getting Girl of Nightmares. <3 Ahh. Cannot wait for that :D
What did you get this week?

Throne of Glass Well, I doubt I will like this book since I quit after 88 pages. But it is so pretty. :)
Brave Magical Story Sigh. I need everything Brave. And this book is so pretty. :D
The Goddess Legacy I need to read The Goddess Hunt. Sounds awesome. And so pretty :)
Hunting Lila + Losing Lila Lots of people loved these books. They do seem great :D
Swag that I won from What's Your Story? <3 Ahh. Loves it :D It is just so so pretty. :)
Bel Ami. Love this movie. <3 Now I just need it on DVD and the UK versions ;) Hih.
Pretty Rapunzel and Pascal. I'm kind of in love with this. It is gorgeous. :)

Shine. Won this paperback from Hope, Faith & Books. <3 Loves it. Really must read this series soon :)
This Means War. Won this from a Norwegian movie site :D Haven't seen the movie.. but looks great :)

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. Throne of Glass is amazing, as is Hunting Lila. I got Losing Lila this week too :) I really want The Goddess Legacy :)

    My Haul :)

    Also check out my blogoversary giveaway Here

  2. Awesome week! I am hoping to get to Throne of Glass soon =) Happy reading!

    Our Stacking the Shelves

  3. Hunting Lila looks pretty good. I've heard good things about it! I hope you enjoy everything you got this week. Here's my IMM =)

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  4. Where did you get Throne of Glass before 7th August? Jealous!

    1. Ahh! Forgot to answer :\ See, I got it early because I pre-ordered from the book depo :D Sometimes they are fast ;p

  5. The goodnes Legacy looks good:)

  6. This Means War was an awesome movie. So funny. Dying to rewatch it again.

    Awesome haul, Carina :)

    Jennifer @ Dream Reads


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