
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Ascendio 2012 - The Author Version

Hi everyone! So, I was in Orlando, Florida for two weeks this July. Just got home a week ago. Went for Disney and such, just me and my mom. Then some months after I had ordered my tickets, I found out that some of my favorite authors would be in Orlando at the same time as me! They were going to Ascendio, a Harry Potter meeting and so much more. The authors that I knew of were Veronica Roth, Michelle Hodkin, Beth Revis and Aimee Carter. And I got to meet them all! :D So excited about it. <3

It did however, cost me a lot of money to see them. So that kind of sucked. But I also felt like it was worth it. :) Cause I got to meet such amazing people, and I got some signed books just for me. <3 Hih. Anyway. The first day, I got to meet Michelle Hodkin, Beth Revis and Aimee Carter. And they were all awesome. First it was Beth Revis. She was a bit delayed in getting there, but I didn't mind. Just so happy I got to see her. Cause Beth writes amazing books. Across the Universe, etc. And she is such a sweet and lovely person! Sigh. I adored her. <3 I also got a hug :D And some most awesome swag. :)

Then I got to meet Michelle Hodkin. Whom I adore. She is just so cute and kind. I love her book; The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer, and I cannot wait for the next one :D She did share this one thing about book two, and that was that some parts of it will be from Noah's POV :D And holy. I cannot wait for that. I adore Noah. Anyway. I loved meeting Michelle, cause she's awesome. Got some Mara Dyer bookmarks. <3 That I adore. Also took a picture with her, but not sharing that one (A) Hih.

Then I got to see Aimee Carter :D And I have not yet read her books. :( But I do have both, and now I have a second copy of each that is signed. <3 And I do think her books sounds amazing, and I am really excited about reading them. She wrote The Goddess Test, etc. Anyway. Even though I haven't read her books yet, I still knew who she was. :) And she was so cute! Loved getting to meet her :)

I met those three on my first day. On the second day, I went to see Veronica Roth. My favorite author. And oh, I was so excited about that :D And ah! It was perfect. Cause Veronica is amazing. She is so cute and kind and I just adore her. She is also so young! But then, I am younger (A) And I do love that she is young. Sigh. I just loved meeting her. :) She also read the short story, Free Four :D And I loved hearing her read from her "book". :) Love that story. Divergent is my favorite book. <3

Anyway. I got to meet all those awesome people! So yay :D I am very happy about that. <3 I also did many other things in Orlando. Not sure if I should post about that, and post some pictures. Anyone want me to? Cause, well, I bought a lot of stuff in Orlando (A) Mostly Disney things :D That I adore. <3 Anyway. I am now gonna show you pictures of my perfect signed books. :) Sigh. Love them. <3

(Veronica Roth. <3)


  1. Sounds like you had an awesome time. And yay for getting so many signed books and for meeting so many cool authors.

    I totally need to read the Unbecoming of Mara Dyer. I have been reading some quotes from that book lately that have made me go, "whoa, I am missing out on some awesomeness" LOL.

    Thanks for sharing, Carina :)

    1. <3 I loved it :D And yeees! You need to read Mara Dyer. It is awesome. Hope you'll love it when you read it ;)

  2. Wow, you had a great time, then, huh? :D I loved what Michelle Hodkin wrote on your book... it's so unique, I think ^-^
    And yes, please post your pictures from Orlando! I'd like to see them, because.. well.. I'm a Disney lover too *-*

    Thank you for sharing, Carina :D

    1. I did, I did :D Hih, yeah, it is awesome. <3 Posted the pics ;) Thank you. :)

  3. It sounds like it was an awesome event! I would love to meet a lot of those authors, especially Veronica Roth. She is pretty young isn't she? Early twenties last time I checked. I can't imagine ever writing such successful books myself at that age. :P And what's this about Noah's POV?!! I can't WAIT for that! Thanks for sharing, Carina! :)

    1. Yeah, she is :) But so cute and nice. And yes! Noah's POV in book two :D:D Ahhh. So excited for that. <3

  4. What a fun event this must have been! I'm pleased you enjoyed your time in Orlando Carina, while still managing to get yourself a massive haul of books. :) Nice pics and I hope you like your books! Thank you for sharing. <3

  5. I'm glad you had such a lovely time hun.. Ooh Veronica is pretty isn't she?!... how awesome to get those lovely books too!

    Have you seen the new covers for Across the Universe etc?... oh dear, not good hun :-(... I think I would've asked Beth why she was changing them, anyway, glad you had an epic time and I'd LOVE to see your other Orlando goodies :-).... tell me, was Harry Potter epic????

    1. Ah, she is ;) Yeah, I am very happy with my books. <3 :D

      And yeah. I agree with you. I don't like them :( People did ask! And the thing is, Beth didn't have anything to say about the change. The publisher called her the day before they announced that they were changing the covers. They said it was so it would reach a different group of people. Which I say is bullshit. Cause I would NOT pick up those new covers just based on the cover :p I need pretty covers. And the first books have pretty covers.. hih. :) Also, yeah, Harry Potter was awesome ;) have posted my pics ;p


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