
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Review: Masque of the Red Death by Bethany Griffin

I have been wanting to read this book for quite some time now. But never did start it, because I was worried about the love triangle. And I must admit, I didn't enjoy the triangle :\ But the book is so good. The writing is perfect, and the story is unique and amazing. Believe I have to thank Lauren DeStefano for getting me to read this book. <3 She promised I would love it. And I did. :)

What made me want to read this book was the gorgeous cover. And omg. The cover really is gorgeous. I adore it. It's so shiny. And, of course, the summary is awesome as well. And I'm so glad I got this book. Because it was so good. Well, there were a few things that I didn't like, which is why I'm giving it a four star. But overall, I loved it.

The plot in Masque of the Red Death is so good. It's about a plague, and so many people are dead because of it. People are still dying. Those who can afford it are wearing masks so that they won't get sick. But some still get it. There is so much info in this book. It would take me forever to talk about it. So I'm not going to. :) But I will say a few things.

The town this book is set in is ruled by the Prince. And he is such a horrible person. He makes things so much worse for all the people still alive. And, yeah, I hated him. But I also hope we'll get to see more about him in the sequel. Like, the part where he dies. Heh. This book is sort of short. I wish it had been longer. But I also liked everything there were.

There is a lot of death in this book. Most horrible. Like Finn. The main character, Araby's brother. It takes some time before we learns how he dies, but when we do it is so horrible and sad. But I also loved that it was in this book. Because it made it so much better, and I loved how it affected Araby. About Araby. I mostly liked her. Mostly. She annoyed me sometimes, and I didn't like that :\

She is a great character, though. She is so broken about what happened to her brother. And I could so understand that. And I did like the vow she took. I just hated how quickly she gave up on it. Still. I also didn't approve of all the drugs she was taking. But I could still somehow understand her. And I felt for her. She has a crush on this guy working on the club she goes to sometimes.

And I did like that. I just didn't like Will very much :p I love the name. And I think he was a sweet person. I just didn't fell for him like Araby did. I liked how he was with his family, but that was it. He hurts Araby so much at the end. And I hated him for it. I might have understood him, but I didn't. He could have told her. But he didn't. And I'm not happy about it. So, yeah, I didn't love Will ;p

But I did love Elliott. He isn't really a love interest for a long long long time. Until the ending. But oh. I loved him from the start. And, hih, that might be because I did peek at the ending before I started this book (A) But still. I liked Elliott a lot more. He is amazing. He can be kind, sometimes. But oh. He is so broken. Like his back. And it is killing me. Which is why I love him so much.

I need more of Elliott. There better be more in the sequel. More of Elliott and Araby. There must be. Pretty please? <3 There are tons of other characters in this book. Some I liked, some I hated. I mostly liked April, Elliott's sister. She was sort of awesome. :) And I think I liked Araby's parents. I didn't like them at first. But that was because Araby didn't know it all. Then I felt for them.

Sigh. I don't know how to describe this book. The plot is stunning. And the writing in perfect. And I really loved the characters. For the most part. There is so much happening in this book. The plot is exciting and surprising. It is so good. And I think you will love it a whole lot. So, read it people! I don't think you'll regret it. Well, the love triangle ain't pleasing. But still. I loved the book. :)


  1. tnx for the gr8 review
    hopng to get it soon

  2. So glad you enjoyed this. I still haven't picked it up but I will one day. Great review. Donna xoxo

  3. I liked this book too but had some problems with it. Like you, I found Araby's character a little annoying sometimes, though I did like her overall. I'm glad you liked Elliot! He was definitely an interesting character. Lovely review!

  4. I initally picked this up because of the cover alone. :) I agree, it's so shiny and beautiful! *sigh* Anyways, I personally thought this book was mediocre because of the love- triangle, which really annoyed me and the characters seemed very flat. :( I'm really glad you enjoyed it, though! I know many readers who felt similarily. :)

    1. Oh yes. I do agree with you. I HATED the love triangle. I always hate love triangles. Always. But I did enjoy this book. :) If the triangle was cut out :p lol ;p


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