
Friday, June 8, 2012

Review: Birthmarked by Caragh M. O'Brien

I'm having some trouble deciding how much I loved this book. Think it is worthy of a five star. Cause I loved every part of it. And I couldn't stop reading it. And it was exciting, and the writing was perfect. Didn't like the cover though, didn't make sense. I do, however, like the new paperback cover. :) Have had this series for some months now. Finally decided to read it. I am glad I did. :) Because it was awesome.

Birthmarked is an unique book. With such a great plot line and amazing characters and great writing. I was a bit worried about reading it; since I didn't know what being a "midwife" meant. I'm glad it was just something as easy as delivering babies. :) Although it was sort of horrible. We get to see a few births. Nothing too graphic. But some die. And then their child is taken away from them to give the Enclave.

And that was just so horrible and wrong. But, I also understood it, because it did sort of make sense. And the children did have it good. Well, for the most part. Not everyone did. The people in this book live in two different places. Inside the walls of the Enclave, or outside the walls. The rich and fine people live inside. The poor and deformed people live outside the wall. So much difference.

With how they live there, and such. But I did enjoy reading about it, cause it was really interesting to know about. This book is about 3-400 years ahead of us. I think. Seemed that way, anyway. :) And things aren't like they are today. Won't say much about it though; cause it is very great to read about it. :) There is a lot of twists and turns in this book. Lots of surprises. All so awesome.

Then there is the characters. The main character; Gaia Stone. I adored Gaia. She was an awesome heroine. A bit stupid at times, but not much and nothing too big. She is strong and kind and sweet. And I loved that she has a scar. Well, it made life so bad for her and she was so lonely and alone. But it made me love her so much more. Plus, she did have her parents. And at least one friend.

Gaia's parents were awesome to read about. Although we never did see her father. And that was a bit disappointing. Still. Her mother is awesome. And we did learn a lot about her father. There were a lot of secrets to discover about ther parents. And I hated some of them. It was just.. cruel, something they had done. At least, I think so. Still. I did sort of understand them. In a weird way.

Gaia is mostly in prison in this book. It isn't really much of a spoiler; since it happens kind of early on. :) And a lot of things happen in the prison. I thought it was horrible. But it could have been so much worse. Plus, she got a few more friends there; some old women. :) Like Myrna. I loved her. Then, of course, we also met Leon. And omg. Leon must have been my favorite person in this book. Like always.

He is the love interest. Even though there isn't much romance in this book. But there is some, and it is sweet. Especially near the end. Leon is perfect. He is kind, and sweet, and strong. But he is also so broken and alone. And I hated that things were like that for him. But, I also loved it. Cause it made me love him so much more. I loved him so much. :) There better be more of him.

The ending of this book is cliffhanger. Nothing too big, but I didn't like it. Still, excited for book two. :) I have, of course, peeked at the sequel. I am so worried about reading it. Because it has the thing I despise more than anything! And I'm already feeling some hate for the book :( But I know I will like the ending. For the most part. So I think it will be okay. It better be. I hope so. Excited, still. :)

Anyway. Birthmarked is an amazing book. With great plot, and amazing story, great writing, and so good characters. It really is a must read book. It isn't like everything else. But it has some things that reminded me of other books. But I didn't mind that at all. It is still unique and amazing.


  1. Man, when I read this one I couldn't put it down. It was so captivating. That's how I felt about Prized too. I'm ridiculously excited to read the third book :D


  2. I'm glad I have a copy of this at home as it sounds like my type of story. I can't wait to meet Gaia and Leon. They both sound like great characters, and I'm glad that the romance is sweet. :) Amazing review hun!

    1. Thank you :D I think you'll love this book. <3 not sure about the second one, though :\ Cause I sort of hated it. But then, I am a bit picky :D You might read it differently ;p Excited to see what you think of them sweetie. :) <3


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