
Friday, June 8, 2012

Mini Review: Tortured by Caragh M. O'Brien

Tortured is a short story set after Birthmarked but before Prized. It is told from Leon's POV. And it is amazing. I loved hearing Leon's thoughts. It isn't very long; only 32 pages. Well, okay, only 16. But still. Those 16 pages are amazing. And I'm so glad this ebook was out there. Becasue Leon was my favorite character in this book series; and I was so excited to read from him. :)

This short story is very sad, though. Because it deals with what happens after Leon got tortured. And it is horrible. And so sad. But I also loved it, becasue it is real. And I loved Leon's thoughts. I wish to know what really happened to his finger, though. So a bit sad we didn't get to know that. But maybe in the third book; Promised. I need Leon to talk about it.

There isn't really much to review in this short story. We get to see Myrna a little. I liked her. She is a great character. Hoping we'll see more of her too. She helps Leon a lot in this book. I also liked Cho. He seemed sweet. And then there is Leon's step mother. Not sure how I feel about her. Hate her for not doing enough about everything happening with Leon. But I also sort of liked her.

Anyway. This is an awesome short story; even though it is really short and mostly sad. But I still adored it; because it is Leon and the only time we have read anything from him. I am just hoping for more. And I cannot wait to read the third book; Promised. I just need more Leon. :) You should read Tortured if you have read Birthmarked/Prized. Because it is worth reading.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear this a good short story! I like getting into another characters head and will have to give this a go when I finally start Birthmarked. :)


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