
Saturday, June 2, 2012

In My Mailbox #34

I didn't get as much mail this week. Still, I got a lot :D But I am also still waiting for even more.. Oh, well ;D So excited about it all, anyway. <3 I haven't anything read this week. Read my first book this week, today. Enchanted. Loved it. I haven't read much, because I have been so exhausted and in pain. Plus, I have been too focused on Rob ;p And lately I have become so obsessed with Brave. Can't stop thinking of it. <3 So excited about that movie. :) Will be seeing it in Orlando, in July :D *Hurry up.* ALSO! I have just reached 30,000 blog views! :D Thank you all so, so, so much. <3 Adores you all.
What did you get this week?

Elle US. Sigh. I adore Kristen. And this magazine is just so pretty :D *Needed it.* <3
The Art of Brave Omg! I LOVE IT! Not reading it until I watch the movie. But it is so pretty. :)
City of Lost Souls The special edition with the letter :D Sigh. I want all the other specials..
Enclave + Bookmarks. Won this from Tera :D And omg. Looves! The bookmarks are so pretty. <3
Dreamless Well. Pretty cover. Probably won't ever read this series because of stupid love triangle :\
Darkness Before Dawn Ohh. Think I will read this one next :D It seems awesome. (Have peeked.)
Seeing Cinderella + Bookmarks. Won these via the YAmazing Race :D Signed. <3 Seems so good.
Chloe Swag. Won this via the YAmazing Race :D I love this swag. <3 it is so pretty and awesome.
True Blood Season 4. Well. I love True Blood :D And I have to have every season of it ;) <3 Bill.
Splintered Swag. Won this via the YAmazing Race :D And omg. It's all gorgeous! Can't wait for the book.
The Prince of Egypt, The Day After Tomorrow, Spirit. Well, I loved all these movies. <3 Needed them :D
Oh! And I also got accepted to read Dearly, Beloved on NetGalley :D Must read it soon. <3

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. LOVED Enclave! <3 I just purchased Darkness Before Dawn for my Kindle today. Can't wait to read it. =D

  2. You got all kinds of great stuff this week! I can't wait to read Darkness Before Dawn and I love the cover on City of Lost Souls!! I hope you enjoy everything and here's my IMM!

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  3. Ooh Darkness Before Dawn! It sounds great so I can't wait to hear what you think of it. :)

    Also, I really enjoyed Enclave! I don't know if you've read it yet, but I hope you'll live it! :)

    1. I don't think I will read Darkness Before Dawn yet :( See, I peeked, and I don't think it will be for me afterall. But maybe soon. :) We'll see ;D Also! I have read Enclave. :) Last year. <3 I loved it. But I hated everything that happened after they got above the surface. Really did. So I need lots of hope for book two :p

  4. Wow you have such great hauls every week! I hope you enjoy them. :))

    Here's my IMM

  5. Wow you have such great hauls every week! I hope you enjoy them. :))

    Here's my IMM

  6. Great week Carina. Hope you enjoy Dreamless more than ne. Donna xoxo

    1. Thank you sweetie. <3 I won't read Dreamless. :) Not with the triangle :p Haven't read book one yet, either ;p

  7. You got a ton of stuff!

    I totally want to read Darkness Before Dawn! Enjoy all your reads :)


  8. Great haul! I really enjoyed Seeing Cinderella; I hope you will, too!

    Happy reading!
    Pam | jelly loves books

  9. I really enjoyed Enclave! It's a really unique dystopian. I hope you love all your new reads!

  10. Carina, love how you always have the best hauls with a little bit of everything. I hope you enjoy everything you got :)

    Jennifer @ Dream Reads

  11. OHMYGOD I LOOOOVE SPIRIT! One of my favourite animated movies ever!

    Awesome books too! I recently got City of Lost Souls as well. I am going to be reading Starcrossed soon so hopefully I'll get Dreamless shortly after!

    Enjoy your books!

    Here's my IMM

  12. Wow, look at all of that! So many great books/movies this week! The Prince of Egypt - I remember loving that movie when I was younger.

    Hope you enjoy everything :)

  13. They all look so great! Hope you enjoy them :)

  14. Awww, I wish you'd taken some pictures of the work inside the Art of Brave. IT ALREADY SOUNDS AMAZING.

    And AHHHHHHH I looooove all your swag and dvds and books! They just make me want to reach in and grab all of it. Steal it all away to enjoy in some corner of the world. Welcome, Caller is such an amazing book, so funny and hilarious and lighthearted with an undercurrent of depth. JUST MEGA LOVE. And I'm dying to catch up on Enclave, CoLS, and Darkness Before Dawn! They all look so flipping amazing!

    Great stuff here :DD

  15. I'm totally dying to read City of Lost Souls but I dont know if i want it just yet because then i have to wait FOREVER for City of Heavenly Fire :( Enjoy! though :) I want the one with the letter too.

    Check out my IMM!


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