
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Title Reveal: The Chemical Garden #3 by Lauren DeStefano

I loved Wither and Fever. They are amazing books. So good. And the covers are stunning. Makes me really excited for the cover reveal to book three ;) But today we got to learn the name of book three. I think it's awesome. It is mysterious, but also sort of awesome. I cannot wait to read this book. It says it will come out April 1st 2013. CAN'T WAIT! Really wish for an ARC of it :) Update: Lauren says it will come out if February :D I really hope it will do so. The title is, though ...


What do you think of it? :D

Sever on Goodreads. Lauren's post. My review of Wither. My review of Fever. Lauren DeStefano.


  1. I read it wrong the first time. ;) I love it though! I'm excited to see the cover too. The covers for these books are so pretty!

    1. lol, yeah, it was a bit confusing ;) But the title is awesome :D Hoping there will be a cover reveal soon :)

  2. I read it wrong too! Haha! I'm excited about this book though, this will be the final one, right? :))

  3. Lol I think its amazing. I love all the books and cant wait for it to come out! x:)

  4. I loved these books!!! but I have to say I liked the first better then the second. When does the third come out? February? The cover for Sever, the third book, should be released today at around 1.


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