
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Teaser Tuesday #17

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!
  • Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

Today my teaser is from Underworld by Meg Cabot. I read the first book; Abandon yesterday. And I sort of liked it. Maybe. But I did need to read the next one :) So today I'm doing that :D Haven't really started it yet; but I have opened a few pages to pick a teaser ;) And it does seem awesome. Hope it is :)
What are you reading? 

That second time, since I had been fifteen and not a child, a different kind of magic had occurred . . . the kind that can happen between any two people who find themselves attracted to each other.
The only problem was, that time it has been me, and not the bird, who'd died. ~ page 23

And another one.

I wanted him every bit as much as he wanted me. When his lips slid from my mouth to my throat 
to kiss each place the links from my necklace had left red marks, I knew I was lost. ~ page 276


  1. Oh wow! Those teasers sound like fun. I just borrowed Insatiable by Meg Cabot from a friend...maybe I should pick that up next. My teaser is from Shades of Grey by Michael Cargill.

  2. I haven't heard of this book, so your teasers definitely interested me. Sounds like the story is being told by a dead person... maybe? Except in your second teaser, the narrator sure doesn't sound dead!
    My Teaser is here (Sandy's Teaser), along with a related movie trailer.

  3. Great teasers! I love Meg Cabot and need to check out this series. The second one was very sweet and hot.
    My TT

  4. Wow! Awesome teasers! I have Abandon waiting to be read and if it's anything like this I'm sure I'll really enjoy it.

    My teaser is here if you'd like a look :)

  5. I haven't read any Meg Cabot's book. But this one sounds interesting! Great teasers! :D

    My Teaser Tuesday

  6. Oh, my, a story that is already pulling me in...thanks for sharing.


  7. Wow this sounds really intriguing! I haven't read this book - I might have to add it to my wishlist!

    Here's my teaser from Blackwood by Gwenda Bond

  8. Ohhh good teasers! I still have to read the first one. I'm pretty sure it's sitting on my shelf... haha I should be able to remember!

    Feel free to check out my teaser here.

  9. I haven't gotten around to the first book but it's sitting on my shelf. These teasers make me want to go start it right away so I can get to the 2nd book!

    My Teaser Tuesday is posted at Find the Time to Read and it's from Karen Kelley's Where There's Smoke.

  10. I still need to read the first book in this series! So many awesome books based on mythology lately! :) Great teasers!

    Here’s my Of Poseidon teaser! Happy Tuesday!


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