
Saturday, May 26, 2012

In My Mailbox #33

Another huge IMM post :D Oh, how I love getting mail. <3 mostly Brave stuff. And I am loving it all so so so much. Cannot wait to watch the movie. <3 I haven't read anything since Tuesday.. but that is because it's Rob-days these days, and I cannot focus on anything else. :) He is just too adorable. <3
What did you get this week?

Tons of Brave stuff. Got all of these from book depo :D They were very cheap to pre-order ;) And omg. I am so so glad I pre-ordered so much Brave stuff. Because every single thing is amazing.
City of Lost Souls Another pretty paperback. :) No extras in this one, though. Still gorgeous :D
Hemlock I loved this book! It was so good. You can read my review here on my blog. :)
Super 8 I cannot wait to watch this movie! I think it sounds so good.

Lips Touch Three Times This book seems amazing. And the cover is gorgeous. Excited to read :)
Unraveling Must read this book next! It sounds so good. Liking the cover as well ;)
Hourglass Well.. I couldn't just have one paperback, could I? It is so stunningly good.
The Spiderwick Chronicles Seems awesome! I liked the movie years ago. :) Excited to read.
Keeper of the Lost Cities Swag. Won this from Shannon! :D I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! <3
Signed copy of Croak plus swag. <3 Plus ARC of Pushing the Limits :D Loves it all so so much :) Won it via the YAmazing Race ;) So happy. :)

More Brave things :D I am in love with it all. <3 that coloring book is huge, though :D
Enchanted I am so excited to read this book! It seems awesome. And the cover is so pretty. :)
Of Poseidon I really enjoyed this book when I read the ARC. :) Such a pretty hardcover. <3
The Prince Who Fell From The Sky Oh, this book seems so amazing. Need to read it soon!
Cold Kiss I still haven't read my hardcover. But I needed this gorgeous paperback :)
Sisters Red Another pretty paperback of Sisters Red :D Loves it. This book is just so good. <3
Hush, Hush I did love these books. <3 and I wanted this paperback; it was very cheap. :)

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. YAY for more COLS!! I love all your BRAVE goodies! I can't wait to see that movie. Enjoy all your goodies!

  2. I can't wait to see Brave either! Every movie produced by Pixar is a must-see and forever a favorite of mine!

  3. I'm dying to get my hands on Pushing the Limits.. I love the cover you have, the UK cover is not so nice :-(

    And Croak... I really want to read this... I've read so many mixed reviews, I'll look out for your review :-)

    1. Oh, that sucks :( Yeah, I am loving this cover too (A) :D Hih. Not sure if I will be reading Croak these next months. Might take me a while. But I am excited to read it :D

  4. So jealous of The City of Lost Souls even though I haven't caught up on the series, the cover is amazing! I read Hush, Hush a little bit ago and it was good! I have Silence on my shelf and I need to read it soon =) I hope you enjoy everything you got this week! Here's my IMM!

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  5. Aww, Brave!! I can't wait to watch the movie! :) Oh and..I loved Enchanted, Of Poseidon and Hush Hush. Eager to read Lips Touch. And I've just reviewed The Prince who Fell from the Sky. In case you want to know why I liked it, you can check out my review. :)

  6. Awesome haul! I really need to check Hemlock out. Enjoy your books and happy reading!!

    Here is my IMM of the week.

  7. Unravelling! You have to read that soon. It's amazing and I think you'll love it. (Or I hope so anyway!) ;) Also, I can't wait to hear your thoughts on Pushing the Limits. I don't read much realistic fiction, but I am really looking forward to that book.

  8. Aww!! Can't wait for Pushing the limits!! I've read it's so so good. Still waiting of my approving request on NetGalley!! Hope they will approve it! :) :)

    Amazing mailbox Carina!! Love it ;)

  9. I didn't know there were Brave books! *goes to look for them*

    Read into hiding

  10. i can't wait for brave

    enjoy all carina

  11. Wow, you got so much Brave goodies! I want to see the movie too! =D
    I also just got Unraveling, really can't wait to read it. And still waiting for CoLS and Hourglass though, I hope it would come soon.
    Enjoy your books, Carina ^^

    my IMM :

  12. Your Brave goodies are so awesome! And I've wanted to read Sisters Red for quite some time. I need to remember that next time I hit a bookstore.

    Melissa's In My Mailbox

  13. Lips Touch is absolutely amazing! You will love it. The Brave stuff looks great! I can't wait to see the movie. Enjoy all your new goodies. :)

  14. Wow, I'm so jealous you get so much each week!

    Letterbox Love!

  15. Niceee. Awesome haul, Carina!

    Jealous over Pushing the Limits and Of Poseidon :D

    Happy Reading and I hope you enjoy everything you received this week :)

    Jennifer @ Dream Reads

  16. Aww that such a cute signed book.

    I also received Hemlock this week XD City of Lost Souls is an amazing novel.

    You got such a big haul this week. You must be very happy XD

    Maura @ Monster of Books

  17. JEALOUSY. That's my only emotion right now :). Well, and happiness for you of course!!! Enjoy all those marvelous books! Check out what I got this week!

  18. Nice list of books! I had my mom go to Gina's book signing back home (apparently Gina grew up in the same city as I). I haven't had a chance to read it though. I'm hoping once I can catch up with reviews I can sit down and read it.
    Book Sniffers Anonymous

    1. Ohh, that is awesome ;) Hope you'll get to read it soon. :)

  19. Wow, what a haul! :) And all the Brave related stuff, lovely! I can't wait to see the movie!

    Petra @ Hazel the Witch

  20. Thats a lot of Brave books and lots of awesome books as well. Enjoy them! :D

    My IMM


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