
Saturday, May 19, 2012

In My Mailbox #32

Soooo.. My mailbox might be a bit big this week (A) But. It is even bigger next week o.O I just can't seem to stop buying books. Although! Most of these are pre-orders. Some are winnings. :) Even so. I love getting mail, and I don't think I will stop buying books anytime soon. In case you hadn't noticed before; I always write a sentence about the book that I have got. After the picture. :)
What did you get this week?

Insurgent Finally got my last hardcover :D So good and so pretty. <3 Insurgent is awesome.
Insurgent Was supposed to be the International paperback. Sad and pissed that it wasn't. :\
Winter's Shadow and Winter's Light. Won these from Paranormal Wastelands :D Seems so good.
Tangled Pocket Story This one is awesome. Loves it so much! Pretty pictures ;) Tangled is the best. <3
All of this awesome swag I won from Dark-Readers :D And omg. I love it all! So pretty. <3

Brave 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 Omg! I love all of these. I just needed them (A) So pretty. Can't wait for the movie.
Brave 5 - 6 - 7 They are all so pretty. Really pretty. So glad I bought them. :) Lots more coming ;p
The Dark Light Bookmark Got this from the author. <3 It is so so pretty. Book seems awesome. :)
How To Train Your Dragon 1-3 Ahh. I love this! The movie is so good. Excited to read them. <3

Disney 3D Puzzle Play This is sort of awesome. Might be childish of me; but I love it :D Pretty. <3
The Cabinet of Earths This book seems awesome! I love MG books. <3 Can't wait to read it. :)
The Gathering Dark or Shadow and Bone. I loved this book. <3 Such a pretty paperback, too. :)
Sisters Red GORGEOUS paperback! Omg. I love it so much. The coloring is perfect. <3
Cosmopolis Two copies. Well, I want another one :D Hih. It is just so damn pretty. <3 I love Rob.
Rock On + Tithe. I won these two books from Ex Libris :D Rock On seems interesting ;)
The Near Witch Love this paperback. <3 The book is really good. And the cover is so pretty. :)
Shatter Me I already have one copy of this paperback.. but it is so pretty. Needed one more :D
ALSO! I got accepted to read Demon Eyes by Scott Tracey on NetGalley! :D So excited. <3

See all those goodies above? Those are three of the 10 prize packs I won via the YAmazing Race! :D I am so so so happy I was a part of that. <3 because just these three prize packs are amazing. They are awesome. And I love everything so much. <3 cannot wait to get the rest. :) Anyway. On the first picture are the swag of Touching the Surface that I got from Kimberly Sabatini :D Also won a pre-order of the book. Loves! Can't wait until October. :) Then I won a signed copy of Storybound by Marissa Burt. <3 and omg. I cannot wait to read this book. It sounds so good. And the swag is perfect! :D Then, of course, I won more from Marissa Meyer :D More Cinder. <3 Cinder is one of my favorite books. And Marissa Meyer must be my favorite author. So I'm really happy about all of this. :) I now have a signed hardcover of Cinder, a signed UK paperback of Cinder. And tons of swag :) Loving the mirror so much. <3 :)

In My Mailbox is an weekly meme made by The Story Siren.


  1. lol you buy a lot lol
    njoy all

  2. You did get so much! I so wish I had enough to go buy all kinds of books =) I still haven't read Cinder yet but I hope to soon and I also can't wait to read Insurgent! I'm borrowing a copy so I can't wait to get it in the mail and read it =) I hope you enjoy everything and here's my IMM!

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  3. WOW Carina. Just WOW. I love the swags ;) I love the books :) Enjoy them all sweetie <3 <3

  4. What a huge haul! I have yet to read Cinder, I just can't seem to find them at the local stores. I should probably get it through TBD.
    Anyway, you have some really great books, I hope you enjoy them! :)

    Here is my IMM #5!

  5. Carina! Your mailboxes are always great and like me, buy loads of books :-)

    OMG!! I can't believe you have those M J Hearle books!!!! I NEED them lol! I can't get them in the UK :-(

    Storybound looks gorgeous!! I'd buy that just for the lovely cover!

    I love the covers for Sisers Red and Sweetly, I want them just for the covers!

    1. Hih :D Thank you. <33 I love buying books. :) Hih! I am so happy that I have those books :D They sounds so good. Was so excited when I won them. :) Hopefully they will be available everywhere soon :D And I agree! Storybound is so pretty. <3 had been thinking about getting it for a long time :D Sisters Red is such a good book as well. :)
      Psst, don't you have a blog? I can't find it anywhere :\ <3

  6. I LOVED The Gathering Dark! One of my fav reads of this year. =)

  7. This is such a great haul! I'm so so jealous! Happy reading!

    Letterbox Love!

  8. It looks like you've got some awesome books and swag! Hope you enjoy reading the books.

  9. Your hauls are always so epic. You have a great eye for pretty book covers I've noticed, niceeee, haha :)

    Happy Reading, Carina :)

    Jennifer @ Dream Reads

  10. Wow you got so much this week! I thought I got a lot but I am jealous of all the awesome books and swag you got.

    Here is my IMM.

  11. Wow, that is a great haul! I am especially jealous of the signed Cinder! Here's my IMM:

  12. Wow you have so many awesome books! Insurgent, Cinder, and loads others! Super jelly! Enjoy your books :)

    Here's what I got this week

  13. Awesome haul! Looks like you have some wonderful reading in your future! :)

    Thanks for sharing,

  14. Your IMM always puts a smile on my face with all the goodies you always feature! Love that you won some awesome prize packs. LOVE your Brave goodies!! I can not wait for that movie to come out. Have a lovely week sweets!

    1. YAY! :D Hih, thank you. <3 Have an awesome week too, sweetie :) I cannot wait for Brave, either :D It seems so good.

  15. WHOA goodies galore this week! I totally forgot about Winter's Shadow until I saw it here in your haul-- AND Winter's Light um HELLO gorgeous cover!! I love redhead covers hehe ;) Thanks for stopping by to see me!

    ~Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland


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