
Friday, May 11, 2012

Giveaway Winners!

My celebration giveaway have just ended! I was celebrating the that I have been blogging for 6 months. Now it has been 7 months :) Also that I had more than 250 followers. Which was so awesome. Since then a lot of things have happened. I now have 419 followers! Which I love beyond words. You are all amazing. Thank you for following me and for commenting and reading my posts. <3

When my giveaway started I had about 17,000 blog views. I now have 25,700+ views. :) I had gotten more than 1300 comments. Now almost 1800. And I adore you all. I am so pleased with my blog; and so happy that so many cares to read it :) It means so much to me. So thank you. <3 I have also gotten more than 100 more twitter followers and facebook likes. :)

Anyway! Back to the point of this post ;) To announce the giveaway winners! Since I got more than 100 new followers I had promised there would be two winners. And there is! I have sent both winners an email; and hoping to get a respond very quickly. They will then get to choose one the books I had chosen. Which is so many amazing books to choose from ;)

The winners are ...

a Rafflecopter giveaway

CONGRATS!! :D Thank you for entering my giveaway. <3 Thank you all so much :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Your blog is awesome, I'm a new follower! :)
    If you want to check out my blog here is its link! Well done for getting that many followers it's really good! :)


I love getting comments. Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog :)