
Friday, April 6, 2012

Review: Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

I cannot wait for everyone to read this book. It is beyond amazing. Although it do have some flaws; which is why I am a bit unsure how to rate it. But I think I loved it even still. I learned of this book because so many bloggers where talking about it; and then it was on NetGalley. And I got accepted to read it :) And then that gorgeous cover arrived; and I want to read it even more. But I peeked at it, so I was unsure. But then today I decided to give it a chance. And I am so, so happy that I did.

Shadow and Bone starts really awesome. I don't want to talk too much about; so I don't spoil it too much. But it is amazing. The plot is just so good. And the writing is perfect; which is rare. Then there is all the amazing characters. I really liked Alina most of the time. But she made me so angry many times that it made it hard for me to love her :\

Then there is the amazing Mal. And oh. I really, really loved him. And I could easily see why Alina liked him as well. Just didn't get why she didn't do anything about it. Alina and Mal grew up together, and they have been best friends for so many years. I liked their relationship. Which is why it killed me that they got separated so extremely fast. We didn't get to see enough of their friendship.

They get separated because Alina turns out to be one of the famous Grisha. And I sort of really loved that. Found the Grisha's to be amazing. Sort of magic, sort of not. But so amazing. Just regular people, really. Although really beautiful. Then there was the Darkling. And omg. I hated him. I always hated him. And I hated even more how much Alina liked him. She got so manipulated by him. (In my opinion)

Although I do blame her somewhat as well. Which is why I'm unsure about how to feel about this book. I disliked those parts with Alina and the Darkling so so so much. But. It didn't last long, and I enjoyed the writing and the book so much. So I think I'll be able to forgive it. Maybe. Then there was Genya. I liked her a lot at first; she was a great character. Then I sort of hated her in the end.

Anyway, there is so much happening in this book. So many amazing things happened. And so many bad things. And it is all just so extremely amazing. And I loved the ending of this book. Loved loved loved it. And oh. How I adored Mal. He is perfect. And I liked the romance. And I just want more of it in the sequel :) Much more. Pretty please? <3

I didn't want to spoil the plot in this book; so I am not going to :) You just really need to know that the story in this book is so damn amazing. The world is perfectly written; and I enjoyed reading about it so much. I really hope there will be more of the world in the next book. Very much more :)

You really must read this book when it comes out. Because of the amazing writing and the amazing plot and the amazing characters. And everything was just so extremely good. And oh! This book is a must read. Really must. And now I cannot wait for the next book. Need need need it. <3

Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan Children's Publishing Group for getting to read this book early. <3

Goodreads - Pre-Order

Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.


  1. Wow, after that review I know I have a lot to look forward to! I have heard from a lot of people already that the writing is amazing and you're right in saying that perfect writing is very rare! I'm very excited to experience it for myself. ;) Awesome review!

    1. YAY! :D Can't wait to read your review of this book ;) It was just so damn good. <3 Loved it a lot :) And yes, the writing is perfect :)

  2. lol my comments are so short
    i blame me being male lol
    awesome review carina
    this one sounds freaking awesome

    1. lol, I don't mind your short comments :D
      Yay, thank you :D

  3. Wow, 5 stars? I definitely need to get this book. It sounds awesome and the cover looks really interesting!

    Awesome review, Carina! So glad you enjoyed it! ♥

    Celine @ Forget-Me-Not

    1. Oh yes, you really, really need to get this book :D It is amazing. <3 And yeah, the cover looks awesome, I think :D
      Thank you so much. <3 :)


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