
Saturday, April 28, 2012

In My Mailbox #29

Another sort of big week (A) 7 pre-orders and a few other books ;) Plus some awesome swag that I won. <3 I love it all :D I keep saying I won't buy any more books. I keep failing :p But then, book depo keeps getting those %10 off. It isn't really much, but it's enough to make me go crazy with buying and pre-ordering. Oh, well :D I do enjoy it. <3 For the most part ;)
What did you get this week?

Finnikin of the Rock Paperback Loved loved this book. <3 Needed a pretty paperback :)
The Vespertine Loved this book. <3 But read the paperback; and I really needed the hardcover :D
Masque of the Red Death Unsure if I will like this bc of the triangle. Seems good, though :)
Dark Eden 2 I now have both books :) Need to read them soon. Liked the ARC cover better :(
Gravity Bookmarks. Got these from Melissa. <3 I love her! And I love love these bookmarks. <3 :D
Lots of bookmarks won from Mundie Moms. Omg! I love all of these. <3 They are all so pretty :)

The Immortal Rules This book is so damn good. Must read. And the hardcover is so pretty. <3
Bitterblue Yay! I loved this book. <3 :D And my hardcover looks so good. Can't wait to re-read :)
Eon Reading this next, I think :D So excited to read it. It seems epic. Loving the cover :)
The Selection Unsure of the love triangle. But the book seems so good :D Excited to read.
The Immortal Rules Paperback Well, I needed a pretty UK paperback of this as well :D
The Vicious Deep Didn't really like this book :( Review posted. But the cover is gorgeous :)
Witch Song Think this sounds like an awesome book. And the cover is so pretty.
The Giver So many seems to love this book. Seems interesting ;) Will read it one day.
Also got this awesome Snow White box set :D I love it. <3 This one here.
And I also got accepted to read Timepiece by Myra McEntire via NetGalley. Unsure if I'm going to.

In My Mailbox is an amazing weekly meme made by The Story Siren :)

Also? Did you all enter my international giveaway? :D You can choose one YA paperback.
Lots of amazing books to choose from. <3 Ends May 11th. Two winners. Enter HERE.


  1. I have Witch Song on my computer, though i've only read a few pages... so far, it's really interesting ^^

    Enjoy reading!

    Read Into Hiding

  2. Oooo Witch Song is on my TBR. Eon looks good. And love the swags you have. All of them are so pretty!

    Happy reading!

    - Michelle

  3. awesome as always

    how much money do you spend each month lol

  4. I wish I could buy all those books, woehoe. Amazing :D

  5. Ooh I can't wait to see what you think of Masque of the Red Death. I liked that book but I didn't love it. The love triangle was frustrating for me but I know a lot of people loved it as it's really difficult to decide which is the better guy. Anyway, great mailbox! I hope you enjoy all of these books. :)

    1. Grrr. Hating love triangles! But. I will read this book. Not right away; but soon ;) Hoping I'll like it :) Thank you. <3

  6. Aww Sweety amazing haul!! Immortal rules <3 <3 And you aren't sure if you will read Timepiece?! Wtf? I would sell pieces of my soul to have a chance to read this booK!! Ahhhhhhh. You're funny. And Bitterblue <3 <3 Finally :) So happy for you! Enjoy your re-reading ;) :) Have fun! <3

    1. Thank you. <3 I don't want it. HATE that it is from Kaleb's POV. HATE IT SO MUCH. I fell in love with Emerson and Michael. Not Kaleb. Don't like him much :p It isn't the same when it isn't from Emerson's POV. :( Biggest problem, though, was how bad the author is treating me. And, yeah, just feeling sad about it :p
      Thank you, though :) <3

  7. Whoa that's a sweet haul!

    I've always wanted to read Eon. I keep picking it up on the bookstore but haven't committed to buying it yet. I dunno what I'm waiting for lol.

    Enjoy your reads :)

  8. Awww. How do you have Bitterblue already? O.o I WANT. Sweet, sweet haul, Carina :)

  9. Wow you've already read BITTERBLUE! ><" I'm waiting for the pb release, which should be next year. I only recently read Fire (read Graceling mid-last year) and I feel I could explode with all this waiting.

    I need to grab a copy of FINNIKIN and EON and THE GIVER! Hope you enjoy them. :) And of course, The Immortal Rules, hehe.

    See what I got! I'm no longer doing IMM, but I'm still doing book hauls.

  10. I've no idea what Witch Song is about, but I know I want it, just for that friggin awesome cover!!! :-)

    Happy Reading!

    N.B I am no longer following IMM posts from The Story Siren due to her plagarism, I am following a new theme called Stacking The Shelves over at Tynga's blog. I was already a follower of your blog, so that's how I came to see your incoming books.

    1. Woot! Yeah, I love the cover. <3 It is so pretty ;) Thank you. <3

  11. Wow awesome IMM! Lot's and lots of books! But hey nothing's wrong with pre-ordering books. I actually get them cheaper by pre-ordering (@ Thanks for sharing.

    Check out my IMM
    Eden's Root Giveaway!

  12. Great books this week! I pre-ordered a lot of the books you got, but they just came today so I couldn't include them in my IMM. Hope you enjoy all of your books!

    My IMM

  13. Great haul. I read The Giver when I was a freshman and loved it. I hope you love all your books.

    -Miranda's IMM

  14. Looks like you had a yummy week!!

    Thanks for sharing,


    and a question, "Perfect for fans of THG" stick(?) on The Immortal Rules paperback can be pulled off? or is it stamped on the book?


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