
Friday, March 16, 2012

Review: Harbinger by Sara Wilson Etienne

I'm unsure about how I feel about this book. The first 150 pages or so it was a clear 5 star book. It was just so good. Then the main character got unlikable, and I got confused a lot. But I still loved it. Mostly :D And the ending is good, although there better be a sequel; because a lot of things went by unexplained.

I first wanted this book because of the pretty cover, then I read the summary. And I wanted it even more. Then yesterday I was bored, and I wanted to try this book. And I loved it right away. It's like an asylum/prison, and it is creepy and evil and I loved it. Most suprising, though, is that I liked the writing as well :) Found it to be really good.

The plot in this book is really exciting; I liked it the most in the beginning. It was a bit too much near the end, I think. But it is still really good. I don't want to say too much about it, because I liked the mystery of the plot. So I'll just say that it's good, and interesting :)

The characters I mostly liked. I really liked Faye at first. She was an awesome broken character. And I adored her. I adored Kel even more. He was a great love interest; and I loved him a lot. Liked the romance in this book, but hated what happened in the last half of the book. Faye sort of fucked up.

And I lost a lot of interest. Because many things didn't make sense. And I hated how Faye distrusted Kel so easily. It just happened too fast, I think. The first she likes him, which happened perfectly, but then she suddenly hated him and wanted to kill him. With not really any real proof that he had done anything. So. Yeah. I didn't liked that.

But still, I really enjoyed this book. There is a lot more characters in this book, and I liked them all. They were all interesting to read about, some good, some bad. What I really loved though was how horrible it was at Holbrook Academy. I just love those things. Although it was bad. And scary.

One of the reasons why I want a sequel is because I want more romance. But also because I want to know what happens next. Considering it ended without us knowing anything about what would happen. And I want to know more about the world; because it is a dystopia or post-apocalyptic world. And it sounded really interesting to learn about. Want more of that.

Anyway, this is a great book, and you really should read it :)


  1. This cover looks so amazing and I was drawn to it from day 1, just like everybody else, but most of the reviews I've read so far weren't positive at all.
    It's too bad that Faye proved to be a disappointment as the story progressed. I hate it when that happens.
    I think I'll read this soon since I already own it and we can maybe compare notes. :)
    Great review!
    Maja @ The Nocturnal Library

    1. It is :) I thought it was an amazing book :D And it really is great despite the things I didn't like about Faye ;p I think you'll enjoy it :) Thank you. <3

  2. How do you read so fast?! You always have a new review for me. :)

    Again, this book is just sitting on my shelf! I really want to get round to it soon, especially so that I can meet this Kel. I'm glad you think he was a good love interest. It's a shame about Faye in the second half of the book but I'm glad the rest of it was something you really enjoyed. :) Brilliant review, Carina.

    1. LOL :D See, I'm at home at all times; and when I find a new book to read, and it's good, I just don't stop reading :D I think you'll like this book :) And Kel is awesome. <3 The book is good :) Thank you. <3

  3. I do like the cover. I may try to pick this one up someday. Blah to character fuck ups. I sometimes find myself wanting to throttle characters lol.

    Great review!

    Jenny at Books to the Sky

  4. great review
    hoping2 readthis soon

  5. Once I started this book, I had a very hard time putting it down. It is totally captivating and a thrilling rush-and-tumble through Faye's life at the Holbrook Academy from the very first. Layers and secrets and hidden messages - plus the mysteriously attractive Kel, who is seemingly on Faye's wavelength - it all plays out beautifully and is a spine-tingling read. My only regret is the author left no room for a sequel.
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