
Saturday, March 24, 2012

In My Mailbox #24

I got lots of awesome in my mailbox this week, too. <3 I just love getting mail :D Hih. Don't know what else to say, really. I have tons of books I need to read; but sometimes I don't feel like reading any of them :p But, someday I will :D I hope. What did you get this week?

Pure Pre-ordered this some time ago; since I have the first book :) Need to read them ;p
Above GORGEOUS cover! And I loved this book. Review on my blog, somewhere ;p
Divergent Yeah, I needed a second paperback of this (A) Divergent is just so amazing. <3
Breaking Dawn Wedding Edition. Thank you so much, Tink, for getting this for me. <3 Loves it! :D
How To Train Your Dragon CD. I love this movie so much; and I just needed the soundtrack :D

Narnia I haven't read these books; and I figured I should get them all in one :) Pretty cover.
Grave Mercy Read this a few weeks ago; loved it! And I love my hardcover of it :D
A Dance With Dragons I haven't read any of these books yet (A) But now I have them all :)
The Lion King Norwegian CD. Yeah, got it on sale :D And really wanted it :)
Breaking Dawn Bed Set. Got this one on sale too :D Needed a new bed set (A) Hih.
Breaking Dawn Limited Edition So pretty. <3 See; I need all copies (A)
The Last Echo YAAAAAY! So happy this arrived :D The UK paperback :) So pretty.
The Pledge Loves this paperback copy! The book is amazing. <3
Tintin. A prize pack I won from :) Pretty :D
Also got The Immortal Rules via NetGalley. <3 Which I have read and reviewed! It is amazing :)

In My Mailbox is an amazing weekly meme made by The Story Siren :)


  1. OH Carina :) Awesome mailbox!! Pure is so so beautiful! One of the best books I've ever read.
    A bed set with Robert Pattinson on it? AMAZING. I have a pillow of him and I love it <3 <3

  2. Oh Carina...your IMM always make me smile. You buy so, so much but it's all so, so awesome!!!!! Jealous of Above...I really want it!!! ENJOY! Donna xoxox

  3. I still haven't read Divergent but I want to so bad! I hope you enjoy everything & Thanks for stopping by my IMM!

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  4. WOW. You got a lot of books this week. I hope you enjoy all your new books. Great haul.


  5. Amazing books! Can't wait to read PURE, ABOVE and GRAVE MERCY (happy to have an eARC of the latter which I really need to get to soon). Hope you'll enjoy everything! :)


  6. You can't have enough copies of Divergent. I LOVE that book. ;)

    I'm so excited to see Pure on your pile. You MUST get started on that series soon. It's one of my favourites! I also really love the cover on that edition of the Pledge. It looks amazing! :)

    Enjoy all your books.

  7. I loved How to Train Your Dragon!! I'm definitely going to have to hunt down a copy of the soundtrack!

    My IMM!

  8. Brilliant haul! How to Train Your Dragon was an excellent watch. Hope you enjoy all your books.

  9. Divergent was just full of awesomeness. Great haul! Enjoy your reads=D

    Drop by my IMM?

  10. Great set! Amazingly, I haven't gotten Breaking Dawn yet. The DVD, I mean. I really need to. I want to watch it again.
    My IMM

  11. Wow you got a lot of great books this week. I need to get some of them soon. Pure and Grave Mercy. I love Divergent and I can't wait for Insurgent!

    Happy reading

  12. You have the best IMMs!! look at all these lovely books!! I think you're going to LOVE Pure! Happy Reading!!!

  13. Awesome IMM!!! I got Pure this week as well! I have a galley of Grave Mercy waiting for me to read it! I'm hoping to get to it in the next week! Enjoy all your books Carina!!! :)

    My IMM

    -Brittani :)

  14. I loved Divergent, and wow, Narnia! It's been ages since I read the collection. XD

    Happy Reading!

    Patricia My IMM

  15. Gleder meg som et lite barn til å lese Pure! Elsket den første. Selv om de er veldig lik Vampire Academy bøkene (om du har lset de => de er enda bedre!).
    Divergent er helt amazing ja :-D


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