
Saturday, March 17, 2012

In My Mailbox #23

I'm feeling that this mailbox isn't as small as it should be. But then, most of what I got this week I pre-ordered ages ago :D And oh. I love it all. <3 AND I GOT BITTERBLUE! :D:D:D Dies. <3 Can't wait to start reading it :) But I must wait a little bit more; until tomorrow, maybe :)
What did you get this week?

Spell Bound I have the first two books; and I'm so excited to start this series :D Seems amazing :)
Breaking Dawn DVD's. Got tons of these. <3 With Art Cards :) And the special Norwegian box :)
Hunger Games Magazine. Pretty magazine, but it is damaged a lot; so that's sad :\
Pandemonium ARC Won this from Courtney! :D With a gorgeous bookmark. <3
Bel-Ami Such a pretty movie-tie-in. Dying for this movie :) But it isn't coming to Norway :(

Hunger Games Tribute Yeah.. I may not like the movie, but I still need it all (A)
Starters Such a gorgeous book cover! And I'm so excited to read this book :) Seems amazing.
Bitterblue ARC YAY!!! Dying to read it. <3 So happy :D Thank you so so much Cynthia. <3
When The Sea Is Rising Red Seems like an awesome book; can't wait to read it :)
And the gorgeous thing down there I got from my sister. <3 SO PRETTY AND PINK! :D

In My Mailbox is an amazing weekly meme made by The Story Siren :)


  1. I got a finished copy of Pandemonium and i'm so excited! I'm also so jealous of Breaking Dawn! I hope you enjoy everything you got this week. Here's my IMM!

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  2. Now that you have Spell Bound, I can't wait for you to read the series! It's one of my favourites and I hope you'll love it too. :) Plus, I really love that pretty thing you got from your sister. It looks amazing! ;)

  3. Ah Breaking Dawn. I havent`t buy that yet. But soon, very soon I will have it to lol:)

    1. Yay ;D I just love these pretty versions of it :)

  4. Very lovely bunch of books and DVDs - I really hope that you'll enjoy all of them. This reminds me of the many books I have yet to read. :D


  5. I really need to read the series by Kristin Cashore, everyone is so excited for Bitterblue! Yay for When the Sea is Rising Red, I hope you love it, I'm just about to start it, it look so spookily great! Happy Reading! :)

    1. Yes yes yes yes you must :) You really must :D I hope so too ;) Enjoy it you too :D Thank you. <3

  6. I love the Hex Hall series and you are so lucky that you get to read all three of them at once! Well not at once but one after another.

    Hope you enjoy them.

  7. *Jealous about Bitterblue* Hope it's as awesome as we're all hoping. Happy reading! :)

    Alison at The Cheap Reader

  8. A picture of awesome!!!! Love Pandemonium, love The Hunger Games and I do love Twilight. Enjoy all your goodies!
    You can find my Mailbox here :)

  9. Great set! Yay for Spell Bound. I can't wait to read it. Enjoy!
    My IMM

  10. I am so jealous of Bitterblue, even though it seems it's not the best book of the series. I still need to read it!
    Nice haul and thanks for stopping by!

    Lisa O. @ The Nocturnal Library

  11. OH CARINA!! I am so so happy for you, that you've finally got Bitterblue <3 <3 ENJOY IT :) And Spell bound <3 <3 OMG it was amazing <3 <3 Miss Hawkins made again a great job! ;) It's EPIC <3 <3

    1. YAY! :D Thank you so much. <3 I loved loved loved it :D Can't wait to read the Hex Hall series ;) <3


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