
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Title Reveal: Legend #2 by Marie Lu

UPDATE: The title has been changed! So I have now updated this post with the new title :)

The title of the sequel to Legend has finally been revealed! :D And it is amazing. I love it. I'm making this post to let you all know about it too :) Even though there isn't any cover yet, or any summary, just the title. But just the title does deserve it's own blog post. <3 The sequel coming out January 29th 2013. And I simply cannot wait! Need that book so much. <3 But that is so long from now :\

And now.. the title of the sequel to one of the most amazing books is...


'Patriot: A Legend Novel by Marie Lu in which June and Day
strike a dangerous deal with Patriot rebels.'

Love the blurb! And omg! I'm so so so so excited. <3 But oh. Also nervous, because that deal can't be good.. I'm mostly hoping for more romance between Day and June. <3 And for more action :D I'm just so excited for everything :) Can't wait to see the cover; and how it fits with Legend's cover :D
Do you like the title? Marie Lu tweeted about the new title here.

Legend. Prodigy. Marie Lu. My review of Legend. My book recommendation of Legend.


  1. Wow, I miss all the good news! Luckily I can count on you to keep me informed. It's good that we like so many similar books. :D I LOVE that title! It has gotten me even more excited for the release now. :)

    1. Hih :D Agreed ;) <3 I love the title too :D So excited for this book. <3

  2. Ooo, sounds awesome! Thanks for sharing :-)

    1. Thanks for commenting :D And yeah, I think it sounds awesome too. <3

  3. Wow! That's awesome! Thanks for spreading the word!


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