
Monday, February 20, 2012

Review: Incarnate by Jodi Meadows

I'm not sure how to rate this book. I loved it. But it took me 50 pages before I got used to the writing and started loving it. So I think, for me, this book is a 4,5 Star :) But closer to a five than four. I waited a long time for this book, and today it finally arrived. After 20 days of shipping. But the waiting was worth it :)

What I noticed first as I opened my mail, was the stunningly gorgous cover. It is simply breathtaking. And so soft :) I like it a lot. Also liked that the book is purple. But I did not like the butterfly.. I like butterfly wings, but I do not like their bodies (A)

Then I started reading the book. I liked Ana right away; but I couldn't get used to the writing so fast. Took me 50+ pages, but I never felt like giving up, because the story was so interesting. Then, after those pages, it was very easy to get lost in the book. Which I did.

Ana is an amazing character. She is 18, which I'm happy about, and she is the only one in this world who has not lived for 5,000 years. Which makes her quite the outsider. But I kind of think it would have been a bit different if she hadn't been living with her horrible mother; Li. She was just so terrible. Evil. And I am very glad about what happened with her near the end ;)

But even so, Ana is smart, and kind, and at times brave, and she is sweet. I found her to be a great character :) I really did love Sam. He was interesting, and so kind, and cute, and just amazing. <3 Wish we had gotten to know him more. But hopefully we will in the next books :D

There were many other characters in this book that I liked as well, but it was also so very confusing. I like the plot, with the whole being reincarnated, but it really confused me that they all got new and different bodies each time they died. As in, once a man, then a woman, etc.

I really did like the plot. Where they lived, all the creatures that lived there. Liked them all. But felt like we didn't get to know them very much. Hopefully in the next book :) I did, however, not like the "Temple." And Jaran. Found that to be silly, since I do not believe in God :p But I do get that many people do so. I just don't like it very much.

I really enjoyed the romance in this book. It took forever before anything happened with it, but when it finally did, I really loved it :) So sweet. Although, I just read someone's review of it, and they didn't like that they seemed to just fell in love with each other. And I guess some people won't like that, but I LOVED it :) I'm tired of books with love triangles, or books where the couple aren't together :p

So this book was really great for me. Amazing plot, great characters, awesome love story, and not an evil ending ;) Although there was this part near the end with the Temple that didn't really make sense to me :p And I felt like it would have been better left out. But then, it might make more sense later ;)

Anyway, this is an amazing book, and you really should read it :) I am so so so so excited for the next one. <3 Needs it.


  1. "Although there was this part near the end with the Temple that didn't really make sense to me :p" I didn't understand it either! It was like a thousand things blowing up in their faces, and I was confused as hell :S

    Nice review, Carina ;D Glad you liked it so much! The romance is too fast-paced for me, but apart from that, Incarnate is a great book <3

    1. Yeah! It was just so.. confusing. Hih, thank you :D <3 I really liked the romance (A) :) But yeah, Incarnate is a great book :D

  2. I had a few nagging questions at the end of this book, but other than that, I LOVED it! :D I'm so glad you enjoyed it, too! I'm also really tired of love triangles and adored the fact that this book didn't have one. Great review! :)

  3. glad u njoyed it
    curious to read it
    rad review

  4. Wooow Carina, God, you read like WOOOOW REALLY fast :P :) I'm glad you liked it! I still need to read it :P :)

    1. lol, yeah, I kind of do (A) most of the time :D Thank you. <3 And yeah, you really should read this book :D

  5. Ooh, though it's not exactly similar to the types of books I read often, I'm very looking forward to this one. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

    1. You're welcome :D Hope you'll like this book ;) <3

  6. I think I'm the opposite of you with this book. I really enjoyed the first 50 pages because it seemed like an author finally pulled off a YA fantasy book that could have been as epic as ones I loved years ago. However, once I got past the beginning I just wasn't a fan of how slow it became and that there was really nothing going on. Then the ending of the book with the dragons and everything seemed really weird because none of that was mentioned for the majority of the book. The ending felt odd to me and that is why I thought this book was just ok, it didn't amaze me though I'm glad you loved it.

    Thanks for the great review

    1. I did sort of enjoy the first 50 pages, I just didn't like the writing at first; and because of that it took me some time to like the book :) But yeah, I do sort of agree with you on all that. Many things came as a surprise. I did like the dragons, though :D Mostly :)
      Thank you so much for commenting. <3 :)


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