
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Review: Entwined by Heather Dixon

When I first saw the cover of this book, I knew I had to have it. I think it is so stunningly gorgeous. The summary was also good, but it didn't really capture me. Then yesterday afternoon, I suddenly got the urge to pick this book up. And oh god. I am so glad that I did.

The summary doesn't begin to tell you how amazing this book is. The summary made me think it was kind of boring, but of, how wrong I was. I loved the writing in this book. I loved that it was from Azalea's POV. I even loved most of the characters.

I really loved Azalea, I could very easily connect with her. Well, except for the fact that I do not dance ;) Azalea is a very fine dancer, as are the rest of her sisters. She made me fall in love with this book from the first few pages. The story starts at a great place, at a Yuletide. Wish I could go to one.

But then, at the same night, something horrible happens. SPOILER. Their mother dies. It leaves all the 11 children broken. But they also got a new sister that same night. The day after her death, the mourning starts. And oh, it all seemed so real. And so so so sad.

The mourning thing I had only heard of once, in Dearly, Beloved, and it was only mentioned then. One whole year locked up, wearing all black, and supposed to be depressed. It seemed all kinds of horrible.

Then the story jumps ahead six months, which I kind of liked. But oh, then they meet Keeper. And I hated Keeper. So, so much. But he was also kind of amazing. He made it an even better story.

While reading this book, the pages just flew past. I read it from beginning to end with not many pauses. I just could not stop. The story is amazing. The past it is set in is amazing. I had a little trouble with all the sisters, but, I still loved them all. Well, except for one of them :D

I loved the love interest. He was perfect. Even if he had a few flaws. And he wasn't very much in the book, but I still managed to fall in love with him. I do wish there were more romance in this book, and more kissing, but, I do understand why there wasn't. And the story was still amazing without it :)

This is based on a fairytale, I think, but I haven't heard that one before (A) And oh. I wish there would be a sequel to this book. Even though it ended quite nicely. I just want more :)

I don't want to say too much about this book, because I don't want to spoil it for you. If you haven't read it yet, you really, really should do so. Because it is amazing.


  1. It's great that you want more! :D I was first drawn to this book because of the stunning cover, too. It's probably one of my favourite covers of all time. Nice review, Carina! :)

    1. Thank you. <3 :D And yes, I agree :) This cover is gorgeous. <3 Even better in person :D

  2. Wonderful retelling of a classic tale with mystery, magic, and lots of heart.
    The world-building and fantasy elements (and sweet romance) as well as father-daughter bonding is beautifully done.
    Highly recommend this to readers from youngsters to oldsters like me.
    Seattle Divorce Lawyer Engle Law Group


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