
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Mini Review: Eleven Minutes by Megan Miranda

This isn't really a review, because the short story is only 28 pages long. But still, it is amazing, and I just wanted to share my words on it :)

Oh, this was depressing. But still, so good. I love Decker. And I am so happy with 26 pages from his POV :) Even though they are sad. So sad. This short story describes what Decker went through in those eleven minutes and six days. It is heartbreaking. But I am also glad I read it. <3

I'm hoping Megan will write more outtakes from Fracture. What I want the most is a few happy future takes. That takes place after Fracture. I just want some more romance, and some happy times :)

Haven't read Fracture yet? Then do so. It is an extremely sad and heartbreaking story, but it is still so amazing.

Goodreads. My review of Fracture.


  1. I'm totally adding this to my TBR list. I some how missed she did this. Thanks for reviewing it :)

    1. Thank you. <33 :) And yes, you really must read it :D

  2. This was SOO awesome! I loved getting into Decker's head and seeing what that time was like for him.

  3. I must download this soon. I loved Fracture (was a bit disappointed by the abrupt ending) and I really want to have a look into Decker's thoughts and feelings:)

    1. Oh, that you must :) And yes, I totally agree. I didn't like how it ended :\ would have liked very much to have at least one happy chapter :)


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