
Saturday, February 25, 2012

In My Mailbox #20

This week I did not get as many books! :D But I still got soo many. But, from now on, my IMM's will be going back to being small :) Don't have anymore books to order ;p Only all the books I have pre-ordered from now to October.. Gonna try not to buy more books for a while :) Also! I got my bookshelves! :D Will blog about those when I get the last one next week sometime ;)
What did you get this week?

Cryer's Cross
Think this sounds like a really good book. And creepy. I like that :)
The Iron Thorn Bought first the new paperback; then the hardcover :D Excited to read.
Incarnate Loved this book! :D Got two copies because the first of those got lost for 20 days..
Signed Love & Leftovers + When Mike Kissed Emma Won these two from Miriam :D So pretty.
Fire Study + Magic Study Got the first book ages ago, and wanted to have all three ;) Pretty covers.
Graceling + Fire I did not own these two paperbacks :D Now I have them all. Most two copies of each (A)

The Iron Thorn Think this sounds like an amazing book, and I need to have it! :D In hardcover :)
The Nightmare Garden Then I found out it had a sequel that just came out, so needed that one too ;)
Fever Got two pretty hardcover copies of this. <3 Loved this book so much :) Must have :D
Fever Paperback Also got this gorgeous paperback of Fever. <3 It is just so pretty :)
Rapunzel: Tangled Pretty tiny paperback story :D Loves it. Tangled is still my favorite movie :)
Awaken Seems like an awesome story; and it has a pretty cover. Excited to read it :)
Cold Kiss Such a pretty cover! Seems like a great story ;) Can't wait to read it.
Abandon Got pretty UK paperback some time ago, but needed the hardcover too (A)
The Unwanteds Seems like an awesome book! :D Excited to read it. Gorgeous cover, too :)
Legend Like all other books I love, I needed another hardcover copy of Legend that I will not read. <3
Inside These books seems awesome. And I love that this is a copy with two books in it! :D
The Poison Diaries 2 Got the first book on sale, so I felt that I really needed the second one too (A)
Narnia Have not read this books before, and I really wanted this pretty movie-tie-in :)

Mara Dyer Paperback LOVE Mara Dyer. <3 And this paperback is so so so pretty :)
Slide UK Paperback This seems like an awesome book; also getting the hardcover :) Excited to read!
Jurassic Park & The Walking Dead in Blu-Ray. I love Jurassic Park, so I needed to have those movies in blu-ray :D And I have not yet watched The Walking Dead, but I think I will love it :)

In My Mailbox is an amazing weekly meme made by The Story Siren :)


  1. Wow, you got a ton of books! I think your really going to like Awaken! I love that one! Is that cover for Inside by Maria Snyder new? Its so much prettier than the one I've seen before.

    1. It is :) Just came out; a new paperback with both books in one.

  2. awesome haul
    u have not read narnia b4? njoy all /my fav is the magician's nephew , the lion the witch and the wardrobe

    1. Thank you :) And no, I have not read Narnia before ;p but I will do so, soon :D

  3. I'm jealous about your two copies of Fever! I hope you enjoy it and i got a copy of Incarnate too and i cant wait to read it! I hope you enjoy everything you got this week!

  4. Another awesome week Carina! Loved Legend! And I really want to read Cold Kiss soon. Enjoy!!

  5. You had an awesome week! I can't wait for Slide and The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer - they both look amazing :D Tangled is my favourite movie too - it's SO cute xD Happy reading Carina! :D

  6. I'm jealous! You got Slide! I want to read that book so bad it's not even funny. Great IMM this week!

  7. Your IMMs are always full of awesome books! I hope you'll get around to read all of these soon and that you'll enjoy them. :)

    Have a lovely week,

  8. Your mailbox is really full this week, and with such great books! Have fun deciding which one to read next! What a great dilemma to have,\.

    1. Thank you :D Hih, it is hard figuring out what book to read next when I have sooooo many ;D (A)

  9. I LOVE you IMM! You have so many awesome books here. I can't wait to see your shelves.

  10. Incarnate, Cold Kiss, The Study Series, Graceling & Fire, and The Unbecoming = all awesome books! Hope you enjoy them. :) I still need to read The Iron Thorn, and buy The Nightmare Garden. Thanks for stopping by!

  11. LOL! Doubles of doubles! I love the cover of Love & Leftovers.. so cute!! :)

    Michele | IMM | Embrace Giveaway

  12. wow you got so many books!! I can't wait to get Fever and the Unbecoming of Mara Dyer

    The Cait Files

  13. I'm quite jealous of all the books you got! I especially want Graceling, Fire, Fever, and Legend! And I love that you have two copies of Incarnate! You can never have enough! lol and I just loved Mara! So awesome you have it in PB now.

    Your mailbox is all kinds of awesome! I hope you love each and every book. They look spectacular. :)
    Happy Reading!

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Words, pages and books

  14. Cool Books!!!! I need to read Incarnate, and Graceling and Fire. Slide was awesome I loved it!
    My IMM is

  15. Love the doubles... you know you're a book lover when..

    Here is my IMM

    Happy Reading!
    Lindsay @ Turning the Pages

  16. Wow, what a week. :P I LOVE those covers of Graceling and Fire. They are two of my favorite books. Hope you enjoy all of the amazing books you got this week. :)

    Here is mine: IMM (14)

  17. Awesome IMM! I got The Iron Thorn this week as well! And Mara Dyer! OMG! I really enjoyed that book! :)

    My IMM

    -Brittani :)

  18. That's an insane amount of books!! WOW! So jealous! I can't wait to start Graceling and fire..I'm so behind lol Awesome haul!

    Giselle from
    My In My Mailbox

  19. Aww, thank you :D Hih, I have all the different covers for Graceling and Fire :D Well, all the English ones, because the international/German covers are expensive on book depo o.O

  20. Great haul! Which book are you going to read first? I don't know how I'd choose.

    My IMM

    Happy reading!

    ~Danica Page
    Taking It One Page at a Time

  21. Wow! I love your IMM! TOTALLY PLENTY GOOD BOOKS! May I ask, are the Maria V. Snyder books in UK edition. Check out my IMM too. I have the Touch of Power by Snyder and it's really, really good. I'm totally jealous of your IMM. BTW, could I ask for the other INCARNATE book? Just kidding! :D I really haven't read that.

    1. lol, thank you :D I think the Magic Study etc is the UK paperbacks. Maybe. But the Inside Out/Inside In book is the new US paperback :) and no, I'm sorry, but I'm keeping it :D lol ;D I love having many copies of books I love :)


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