
Monday, October 31, 2011

Review: Witch Eyes by Scott Tracey

I wasn't sure what stars to give this book, but to me it is a 3.5 star :)

I liked this book. The plot was interesting, and I liked most of the characters. But I also didn't like some things. I did not like that the whole plot was on the back cover of the book :\

The plot was kind of great, I do like to read about withces, and I loved that the main character was gay (A) I really enjoyed reading about Trey, and I liked the romance, I just wished there had been more. And that they didn't have so many problems to be together :\

I had some trouble reading the first 100 pages or so, was a little bored, but after that the book got much more interesting, and hard to put down. Which is why I'm giving it a 3.5 star :) Even though I did have a few issues with the writing, it wasn't that bad.

And I simply cannot wait to read the next books in this series :D Was worried this was only one book, considering how it ended. Wasn't too happy about that. But I'm really excited about the next one :)

Don't want to give too much away, but you should pick up this book :) Because it is a great read.

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