
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Review: The Pledge by Kimberly Derting

I first heard of this book because of the amazing cover it has. And also because I knew of the author; Kimberly. I loved her The Body Finder series, so I was sure this book would be amazing. And oh, it was. It doesn't come out for a little while more, but I got to read it via S&S's Galley Grab.

I adored this book. It was simply amazing. I loved the world it was set in; as I love most all dystopian books, this was not an exeption. I very much liked the main character, Charlie. And her little sister Angelina, she was just so adorable. <3 I wasn't too fond of Brooklynn, but she wasn't that bad ;p

I very much loved Max though. Loved him from the first moment he arrived. Just wish Charlie hadn't been so closed off to him in the beginning (A) but I still loved it. I found the mystery surronding Charlie's background and Max's background to be very exciting and interesting. I won't say more about it though, because it would be a huge spoiler :D

I was kind of happy with how it ended; but it makes me even more happy to know that The Pledge will be a trilogy! :D Because I felt like the romance between Charlie and Max wasn't explored much, wished there could have been more kisses, etc :) Although in my eyes, the ending was very near perfection. <3

Just so you know, if you haven't pre-ordered The Pledge yet, then you must do so! Because, oh, it will be so worth it. <3 I can't wait to read it again when my copy arrives in November :)

Thank you so much to S&S's Galley Grab for the chance to read it early. <33

Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.

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