
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Review: Matched by Ally Condie

I did like this book, kind of. The world it was set it was amazing, and if my rating had been based on that, the book would have gotten a five star. But, since the characters lacked emotions I am only giving it a three star.

The story could have been amazing, if only she had written the characters better. The love didn't feel real to me. And none of Cassia's feelings felt real to me. I didn't feel it along with her. And that to me, was a huge disappointment.

I also didn't like the kind of love triangle. I don't like love triangles. And this one wasn't written good. At least, I didn't think so.

Matched was very much like Divergent, but with Divergent it was so much more amazing. Divergent made me feel with the characters, it made me feel like I was right there with them. Which Matched lacked.

I am, however, most likely going to read the sequel, CROSSED, since Matched ended the way it did. :)


  1. This is the first review I've read that didn't rave about this book. I'm glad to see someone else felt the same way about it as I did! The world was amazing but the characters definitely fell flat. But then that ending makes it so that you still want to read the second book despite everything else!

  2. Actually, the reviews I read mostly didn't agree with this book,

    they kept saying how the book should have been more fast-paced

    1. Yea the same here. I'm not so excited to read this book 'cause i have seen tons of bad reviews about it. I know that I mustn't go with others, but idk, even the story doesn't sound too good.

  3. That is very true. It felt very.. slow. I wonder how it will be to read Crossed :) It haven't arrived here with me yet. I am, however, reading the ending first (A)

  4. Can you tell me where you copy the book-images from? I would like to have some book-images for my blog too, but I don´t know if it is legal or from where I should take them...

    I think your blog is stunning! Really looking up to you!

    1. Aww, thank you :) <3 I just save them from Goodreads.

  5. Agree. The characters lacked realism and I am so sick of formulaic love triangles - sigh, beat head on floor.


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