
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Review: The Gathering by Kelley Armstrong

I very much liked this book. The characters were great, and the plot was kind of awesome. I just wished there were more love in the book. I am hoping there will be more between Maya and Rafe in the next books, though :) Am wishing it won't turn into a love triangle. Although I don't think so.

I liked Maya in this book. I didn't love her, because she had a few faults, but she was also very kickass. Loved the park they lived in, and all the animals they saved. And I really, really liked Rafe. Just wished Maya had liked him a little more, too ;)

The Gathering left too many things unsolved, but that only makes me want the sequel even more. Can't wait for The Calling :)

You really should read this book, because it is amazing.

Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.

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