
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Review: Eve by Anna Carey

I loved this book. It was just so great. The love story was so sweet, and I want so much more. The story was great too, the setting it was in. I loved all the characters. Well, except for Leif. Him I wanted to kill. And was pissed about the fact that he wasn't. Hih (A)
Eve was such a smart and sweet girl. Even though she was naive about the world at first, it didn't take long for her to understand how things really were outside of her school. It made me sad at times, but it also made me happy. Since the love was so sweet. <3 I loved Caleb so much.
Oh, and just a warning, the ending is kind of bad. Which pissed me off a bit (A) Hih. When I read this book, it seemed so fast-paced, it still feels like I just started reading it. Must be because I loved it so much :) I seriously can't wait for the next book in this series. <3 Whenever that may be :) You must read this book!

Thank you to netGalley for an early ARC ebook of it :) And thank you to the author for such an amazing book. <3

Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.

1 comment:

  1. Seeing as how this will be a trilogy I am totally taken away with Carey's fabulous story building and her beautifully written character relationships.


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