
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Review: Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake

I loved this book. Oh, did I love it. WARNING: This review might contain some spoilers. But if you don't mind that, you should read what I have to say about it :) 

I have been waiting many months for this book, ever since I first saw the cover. Because, really, have you seen it? IT IS GORGEOUS! That was when I knew I needed it. Then I read the summary, and I just wanted it even more. So I pre-ordered it. And then tried to put it out of my mind until the release date was here. Otherwise I would just make myself sad thinking about it, when I didn't have it (A)

And then today (September 3rd) it finally arrived! And boy, was I happy. The book cover is stunning, and the text in the book is awesome. I just love everything about it.

Back to the book. I love that the story is from a boy's POV, because he is just so amazing. I adore Cas. Or Cassio, like Anna calls him :) I found the plot to be very good, I kind of love ghost stories. Hih. And this was a great ghost story. I loved all the characters, even the cat. Which now saddens me.

The story is a bit creepy, but I loved it. Am a tiny bit sad about how it all ended, but also glad. Because it ended with the promise of a next book :D And that I cannot wait for. I need more Cas. <3 And more Thomas. And more Carmel. And more of everything. Mostly I want more of Anna and Cas. Really hope there is more in the next one :)

Bottom line: YOU MUST READ THIS BOOK! And that is final. It is amazing. <3
Thank you Kendare, for writing this fabulous book.

Update: Newer and better review of the book can be found here.

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