
Saturday, March 14, 2015

Cover Reveal: Firewalker by Josephine Angelini

Sharing the gorgeous cover for Firewalker today. <3 This book is the sequel to the amazing Trial by Fire; which I loved so so much :D There is also a new cover for Trial by Fire. I'm not sure how to feel about it, as I loved the first one, sigh, BUT. I am also really, really growing on the new covers :D And I do think they look all kinds of gorgeous. The colors are amazing. And I love the font. And I think they will be perfect in person. I cannot wait to own them both in the fall :D Anyway. I loved Trial by Fire SO MUCH. And I am dying to read Firewalker :D It sounds so amazing. I can't wait to read more of Lily and Rowan. <3 They are adorable. And I'm so excited for more of their romance. Eeek. And the amazing plot. Basically, I cannot wait for this book. Such pretty covers. Josephine is also all kinds of amazing :) Firewalker is coming out on September 1st. I can't wait for it. <3 What do you think of the covers?

Worlds divide, magic slays, and love lies in the second book of Josephine Angelini’s The Worldwalker Trilogy.

"You think I’m a monster, but my choices, as ruthless as they seem, are justified."

Lily is back in her own universe, and she's ready to start a new life with Rowan by her side. True, she almost died in the Pyre that fueled their escape from New Salem, and must hide her magic for the safety of everyone she cares about, but compared to fighting the Woven, the monstrous creatures inhabiting the alternate Salem, life is looking pretty good.

Unfortunately, Lillian, ruthless ruler of the 13 Cities, is not willing to let Lily go that easily. If she can’t persuade Lily to return to her world, she will force her to come back by doing away with the ones she loves.

Picking up right where Trial By Fire left off, Firewalker is another sexy, fast-paced, heartbreaking thrill ride from internationally bestselling author Josephine Angelini!


  1. I love the new covers!! I really didn't like the old ones :/

  2. I really loved the old cover of Trial by Fire BUT in a strange twist of fate, I love the new covers EVEN MORE! Love the colours and the detail of having Lily's necklace in there! My only wish would be getting Trial of Fire with the new cover in hardcover too!!

    Thank you for sharing them in high quality sweetie!!

  3. I reeeeeeally like these new covers! And as long as the second book doesn't have a triangle, I'm going to read books 1 and 2 back to back. :) Thank you for sharing! The coloring is just so pretty and I love the font. <3

  4. I like the new covers - though I liked the old one better. Glad I have an ARC of hardcover with the old cover of the first book... but I kind of want a paperback with the new cover now. Ah! In any case, I can't wait to read this sequel novel!

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  5. Love this cover! I like the update, but I wish they'd done it the first time. Hoping, hoping that NO LOVE TRIANGLE pops up. The author did tell me no triangle, but they don't always see things as I do.


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